
Once we think ourselves irreplaceable it is then that we realize that we are.  In fact these days it is ever more prominent that you will be replaced either in a relationship or at work.  For this very reason we must be on our toes all the time and lead a life that in part is our very own, having nothing to do with any one person who we happen to be in love with or think we are.  It may seem cruel to say but we can all be replaced so we must know our worth at all times and our own life all the time.

As we live our daily life there is one thing for sure, it will end.  This should be reason enough to live your best life and do all that you desire without limiting ourselves.  When we live our own life we live it full on.  We don't ask permission to live it up and we don't apologize for how we feel and what we want.  We say what we mean and we simply ask for what we need whether the other person responds with a yes or no.  We don't wait because we know that we have only a certain amount of time to be on this earth enjoying it's many pleasures.

Many times people who are married live their life in large part of the other person.  Many times that goes much too far and much too much of what one person wants becomes our main focus.  We forget about what it is we want and we let our dreams be secondary when in fact they should be first.  For some of us that focus on others is really a deterrent from what we should be doing for ourselves and it is only after many years of being off our own journey that we realize what we have done.  It is not in service to our wholeness to make someone else the reason we feel whole or worthwhile.

It may sound sad but we can be replaced and so much of the time we are unaware of that fact.  We live in this illusion that we are set and that everything is wonderful when in fact there is something about to happen and we can feel it.  We ignore the signs and then one day we awaken to someone who let's us know that they are not happy with us.  They are already almost out the door and have been for years.  Never once were we aware that this could be the reality and that we would be left behind.  The truth is that it can happen to anyone at anytime.  Being prepared does not mean you are doomed or giving up but rather that you are smart enough to know the facts of life, one being that most times things don't last forever.

Today it is with a spirit of freedom that I operate in my own life.  I am single and for the first time not looking for anything to happen or anyone to happen for me.  I know that this is my chance to reflect on my own life, live it fully and enjoy every moment without worrying about what others might think of me or want from me.  I live in Pingree Grove because I love the community.  I love the feeling of being safe and the pond behind my house.  I love the sound of the geese and the wind blowing through my sliding doors leading to my little slice of heaven, my deck and swing chair.  I know that loving myself is the most important thing I will ever do.  I have survived a lot of bad stuff in my life yet today is the day that I honor myself and focus on what it is I need to do in my life.  Thank god I found the good in me because I turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to myself.

We may be replaced or we may not but what can we do if in fact this happens to us?  I say live your own life even when you are in a relationship.  I say do what makes you happy most of the time.  I say vote for your own joy all the time.  I say know who you are and don't expect anyone to bring anything to your life.  Get it yourself.

You are replaceable but that is OK.  You are human and not above the realities of life.  Live fully and with a good sense of humor and don't worry about what others think.  Keep dancing and keep smiling.  That is the best thing you can do for you!


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