Why Do We Worship Famous People?

Since childhood I have never truly understood why people worship famous people?  What is it that motivates us to be so attached to what famous people do, wear, think and say?  I love Meryl Streep's acting ability and I have seen movies like "Sophie's Choice" with amazement at how she could play a Russian woman in love with an abusive American man.  In Julia she plays Julia Child's impeccably yet I have no real desire to meet her and more of a desire to meet a spiritual healer in Africa for example.

I am uncertain as to the main reason for people who worship famous people but my first guess is that for some of us fame and wealth is an important pair of factors and we are simply awed at the people who have both.  We believe that people who are famous are special and in fact more special than anyone else, more than we are.  Some of us are very impressed by this notion that one can have it all and that then you become a joyous person who is happier than the rest of us.  Yet nothing could be further from the reality of life.  For one, not all famous people are happy and not all famous people are more special than the rest of us.  In reality we are just as special as they are and when we consider how many people have not become famous but contributed many beautiful performances then fame really has nothing to do with success.

I think I admire people more who are actors but live a relatively private life or who were actors or rich people and decide that they would rather be anonymous and live a normal life.  I like to think that famous people are exactly like me, human beings having expereinces in life both good and bad, sometimes some really difficult ones.  When we take a closer look at people like Robin Williams the comedian we understand that fame really as nothing to do with joy or success.  He suddenly decided he did not want to be on this earth and like my little sister killed himself.  For some who have experienced the level of success we often admire life is not that good.

We worship famous people because we think they hold some sort of secret and what disturbs me is that often times they share their "wisdom' with us as if none of us could have figured it out based on our own experience.  As if we were less intelligent or had less wisdom than them.  Of course they have some things of value to share but not more valuable than our own family members who are ninety or who have experienced pain, certainly not more then someone like me.  I too have had some profound and light filled experiences that are just as valuable.  Yet we seem to be focused on famous people and thier seemingly special brand of wisdom or intelligence.  Why?

I think we should stop worshiping all famous people and start to look up to the people in our life who really care about us and who we are connected to rather than some illusion.  I think we need to take another look at why we are so focused on other people who are not in our lives and who we are disconnected from.  No one is going to invite you to Tom Cruises next party or Calvin Klien's next runway show.  You are not going to marry Babara Striesands son the way that one person shared that he dreamed about and apparently had a yearning for.  It is more realistic to view famous people as a group of their own.  For the most part they hang out with other famous people and likely have a small circle of other friends who are millionaires.  Let's be honest they are not looking for us.

I think that Michael Buble is a good singer.  I love some of the songs he has recorded many of which are classic, if not most.  One day I noted that apparently he was freinds with someone I knew and in a moment of madness I friended him and got friended back.  Since then I have seen him with his child and his wife and posting some very nice thoughts much like anyone else.  At first I thought that I had to comment on all his posts and in fact reinforce them with a thumbs up.  Then I realized I don't know him from Adam why the hell do I care?  I was immediately cured of this notion that I am obligated to be affirming to someone who has plenty of real friends and if I am going to buy his music I would rather it be about liking the song than thinking he is this awesome person I want to be friends with.  In fact we are not real friends and that is pretty much OK with me.  My real freinds are likely laughing right about now.

No one is completely void of this notion that famous people are special.  But my final answer is that they are not any more special than a beautiful baby or an elderly person who needs us to interact with them.  I am special and you are too and there is really no need to validate ourselves by worshiping others whether they are famous or not.


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