Don't Get Off Your Square

Every time we allow someone to upset us they are controlling us.  Every time someone makes us "get off our square" we are allowing that person to dictate our feelings and steal our joy.  Whenever we get off of our square we stray from where we ought to be and allow the situation to move us away from that place that is our square, our center.  It is not easy to stay where we are and stand in our truth and our reality.  There are so many endless ways that others manipulate us off of our center, our place of peace.  Yet if we are astute and believe in what we believe we cannot be moved from our center and not one person can take us away from that place where we feel peace, joy and gratitude.

If we know where we belong no one can take us from that place.  We know where we belong when we are happy where we are and the place where we reside is the best for us.  We know where we belong when we are sure that we have the things we love around us and we create a place of our own.  We also know where we belong because we take pride in that space where we stand.  We know we are in the right place when that place is a sacred space we created and that we feel worthy of protecting.

So the next time that someone attempts to take you off your square, stand firmly in your place and don't move.  Stay right on top of your square and protect what is valuable to you.  You and only you know how important you are and how important what you created in your life is, including your home.  Respect others and at the same time expect that same honor back.  Stay on your square where you feel good and where you know you function well.  Always see where you stand as sacred ground and never get off your square.  Know where you belong and demand to stay there where you flourish and where you feel safe.  Do not get off your square.

Coach Elliott


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