Comercials and Fear

I have seen every commercial for every kind of product imaginable, some that almost seem unreal or too good to be true.  Yet it is not the product so much as the services being sold that instill fear a in us and get us to question ourselves, our life and our worth.  Many commercials seem very intent on making us become fearful of something or insecure about ourselves.  By using the most common of lifes' pitfalls commercials target us by instilling fear.  The fear of being audited by the IRS, the fear of being uninsured, the fear of getting sued or having to sue someone, the fear of our insurance not covering the cost of a claim and many more.  Then there is the secondary goal which is to make us feel insecure or question our appearance.  These commercials advertise whitening strips for our teeth, the deodorant commercials that focus on how we may smell badly and the cleaning solutions that say that they kill 99 percent of germs.  From cold medicine for children to hiring a lawyer to sue your elderly parent's caregiver, commercials are mostly about scaring us into believing a lie and buying something we don't need out of fear or insecurity.  So how do we handle this kind of negative input in our lives?  Here's how:

Do not watch s much TV and listen to some soothing music instead.  At the very least mute the commercials and do not watch them, every single time.  No matter how strong we think we are these commercials are having a negative impact on us and only serve to make us anxious even if we are not completely aware of it.  All these negative messages have to effect us and it is truly time to fight back.  Fear is at the very center of  many commercials and the people behind them know this and they continue to make these commercials as long as they work.  The only way to send a message to the companies who create these commercials is to simply not watch them.  Every negative thing we expose ourselves to has an effect on the quality of our life.

My favorite ads are the ones that sell sex.  They are often times commercials about fragrances.  In theses ads couples get on top of each other in very little clothing.  Men with white speedos dive into a pool and when he comes out of the water a woman is waiting to kiss him.  The connotations are that if we use the right frangance we will not just smell good we will attract women or men and score sexually.  These commercials are almost offensive in that they treat all of us watch in as if we were all stupid.  Although smelling great may be something we should like it seems that the industry has taken this idea so far as to make it seem as though we will be happier if we use this or that scent.  On top of it almost every star has either tried or been successful at putting out a frangance because their name will sell it.  The frangance industry unfortunately is not interested in making a frangance that may be completely natural because it is easier to place fear and insecurity in us in order to sell a smell.

So what are we to do?  Your ready?  Do other things other than watching TV.  Watch as little TV as possible.  Read, dance, meditate, journal, exercise, take in a movie or go it to eat.  There are plenty of things we can do that are more productive then watching TV and the truth is that we watch too much of it, especially our kids.  Find other creative ways to spend your time and make a vision board around the commitment that you are going to make that will help you to grow and at the same time avoid commercials and the negative messages that come with them.  When we stop watching so much TV it will be duly noted and then maybe we will get some positive programming and commercials.  If you are as sick as I am with negative messages via commercials you will take the challenge.

Commercials instill fear and insecurity in us.  That is just what they do and that is the point of commercials.  Commercials instill fear by using it to make you think you are susceptible and that sooner or later the law will come after you.  The only way to fight back is to not look back and to feed ourselves what we really thrive on, positive messages and love.  Let fear be something that has a reason not something you feel all the time because of the messages you are getting that are simply a lie.


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