Are You Good Enough?

The thing about life is that we are learning and growing from the day we were born throughout our lives.  We strive every day to be more of who we are and to exceed the goals we had before.  We believe that we must have gotten to a particular goal at a particular age and that if we are not married by the age of thirty we may not have children on time because our "biological clock" is ticking.  It seems as though for some of us we are never good enough, yet what we must know is that we are good enough as we are.  This means that we accept that we are where we are at any given time and that where we are is in fact good enough.

We are good enough the way we are because the way we are is where we need to be.  If we embrace where we are and what we have accomplished, letting go of the judgements about where we should be, we live fully and enjoy what we have by living in the now.  The truth is that we are good enough exactly where we are in the place we are with the skills we have.  We must use what we have in life for good and utilize our talents fully.  In this way we will feel that we are good enough because we are using all of our potential.

The feeling of not being good enough comes from an ego based place and often times is more about what others think of us or say about us and ultimately what we think about ourselves.  Feeling like we are less than others and hence not good enough is really about our self-esteem and what we think about our selves.  We cause this lie about us to grow inside because we have a low opinion of ourselves or because we are with a person who puts us down and reminds us of our shortcomings, when the reality is that we all have some shortcomings and life is a process.

When we understand and accept that we are good enough as we are we do better.  Dwelling on what we don't know or don't have is only going to reduce our chances of succeeding at anything.  We convince ourselves that we are not good enough and then we where we are in our life looks gloomy and we hold on to that doom and gloom.  We end up creating a path where we fail because we believe we are failures when we believe we are not good enough.  Lifting ourselves out of this false belief takes time and effort.  The intention to love yourself as you are and where you are is key in living a life that evokes more success and joy.

You are who you are today.  You are good enough today and now.  You have gifts and talents that are important and as long as you believe in yourself you will be good enough.  We are good enough as we are in this  moment because it is where we are.  Accepting who you are and living in the present moment is what will bring you to the highest level of happiness.  Understanding that we are learning every day and giving ourselves the room to grow is the key to enjoying life as it appears and in the now.  Are you good enough?  The answer my friends is a resounding "YES".


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