How To Change YOUR Karma

There are some easy ways to change your karma and all of them entail that you respect every person, everywhere you go, every time.  It is when we honor others that we bring the best karma energy into our own life.  It is when you refuse to participate in anything that is not in our very highest of vibrations.  Even being around others whose karma is negative can be a source of diminishing your own karma spirit.

Here are some wonderful   ways you can build your karma: 

1. Stop doing the same thing and expecting different results. 

This is one of the simplest equations of life that was ever told.  We often do things in the same way yet we expect something of good to happen, knowing fully that when we do the things we do we get the very same negative results.  We must be willing to do things differently and like looking in the same place for our keys we must understand that we will not find our pureness of heart by looking in the same place and behaving in the same way.

2. Treat everyone as an equal and with utmost respect. 

This country is full of individuals who  falsely believe they are better than others.  It is especially prominent in people who are racist, bigoted, prejudice or hateful.  IF we are to change our karma we must understand with our entire being that we are all equal and that we should respect everyone in the same way.  Our respect for others should never be contingent on whether they respect us.  We must be the bigger person and remain in our loving karma by treating everyone as though they deserve respect and compassion.  We are ultimately all alike.

3. Treat others how you want to be treated.

If you treat others in the way you would like to be treated then you have done what is right and it will result in good karma in your own life journey.  Nothing makes it more sure that you will live a life of joy than treated others with the kindness and respect you want from others.  Keep this in the forefront of your mind and remember that people will make mistakes.

4. Make your actions ones that are consistently pure.

It is not what we say it is what we do.  It is not what we teach our children but what we demonstrate to them through our actions.  Make your actions ones that you can be proud of.  Stay clear of pornography and other behaviors that will bring your spirit down.  Make your actions pure in that you do the things that merit good karma.

5. Do not talk about others character defects. (no le leas las cartas, don't read their cards)

Staying clear of gossip or reading other people's letters(or cards, cartas) is one of the best ways to create a good karma for your self and those you love.  Criticizing others for whatever reason, even if it is valid, is cheap talk and cheap talk leads to a cheap walk.  When you are walking look straight ahead and avoid looking at what others are doing or you are likely to slip and fall.  Keep your step and when you see others make a mistake do not be tempted to talk about them as though you have never made a mistake before.

There you have it! Happy Karma to all.
Elliott Maximo Collazo


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