Why Shine Your Light

Shining our light means that we take pride in who we are and acknowledge to others our gifts.  There is a notion that it is not a good idea to brag about ourselves yet the truth is that sharing our talents is not bragging but rather knowing that we have something of value to offer.  It is simply stating the truth of who we are and becoming willing to see our talents as a gift to others who may benefit from them.  Shining our light means that we are comfortable with expressing who we are and what we stand for.

I am a man with some skills and through time and effort now understand the value of my skills.  I know how to help others find their life path by working with them as a life coach.  I recall a women's workshop in my home when I asked each person to share a little about themselves and then took my turn.  I stated: "I hope to become a spiritual leader" and one of the women immediately responded to my share by saying: "you already are".  It filled me with emotion and I felt honored by her comment to me.  Her response prompted me to understand better that I am a spiritual leader and now I own that.

We must own our talents and know what they are.  We must be able to state with clarity and confidence what we are good at.  It is our responsibility to share that talent with others who will be helped in some way by us doing so.  We should understand and embrace our gifts, knowing that no gift or talent is unimportant or less valuable than other's talents.  When we embrace our gifts we are saying yes to our life and what we offer as a human being.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with letting others know what we can do well.

For a long time I decorated my own home.  When others would visit they would compliment me on how beautiful a job I did.  For me it seemed natural and not such a big deal, yet for others it seemed to be of importance.  As time went on and I became even better at decorating almost every person who came over would say things like: "I am going to steal your ideas" and would ask me if that was OK.  I was thrilled to say I did not mind at all and it filled me up with love.  I realized that this was a talent of mine and that there was no denying it.  Eventually I started to decorate homes and condos for other people and earn some extra money.  Today I understand how this brings people joy and just how magical a talent this is.

People who love you and honor you will point out your talents.  In time if you listen you will become more and more confident of what you offer.  You will begin to unfold and to find ways to use your talent to make money and to help others.  It is the kindness of others that sometimes is essential in our unfolding what it is we are good at.  Listen to what your friends and family share with you and if it resonates for you use your talent to make the world a happier place.  When you do what you are good at it is easy to fly higher and higher, accessing the next level of what you offer in life and what you can access from doing what you were meant to do.

For a long time Elisha was in a relationship where compliments were doled out as if they were costing his partner money.  He not only had talent, he was great at all things involving the home including setting a beautiful table for dinner guests.  On one occasion he decided to create a table with a look that would depict the culture of India for his partner's doctor friend and her husband who were from India.  The table including a beautiful runner in black and gold with elephants, white dishes, animals, ornaments from India and two dozen roses in a clear bowl.  It was stunning.  When his partner arrived from work he was certain he would compliment him and show some gratitude.  That to his surprise did not happen and when it did not he asked him what he thought.  The response was less than favorable and in fact he criticized  it by staying that there was too much on the table, including too many candles.  It was once again obvious that his partner was unable to see his gifts and in fact focused on what was wrong in his opinion.  Elisha had never done this before but he became so angry that he took the table apart and left the house at dinner time.  The next day he noticed that there were buffet plates in the dishwasher along with every day glasses.  His partner had served dinner on buffet plates.  He could not help but to think that this was purposeful and a message that what he had done in preparation for the guests was not good enough or that it was wrong in some way.  Today Elisha is single and more aware and proud of his talents than ever before.


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