"I Love Lucy"

There is really no other female comedian that could duplicate Lucy in her comical mannerism and her elegant swagger.  She was to me one of the most boldly talented women of my time.  To this day I still laugh historically at the episode where she takes a job wrapping chocolates in a factory and ends up having to eat them because she cannot keep up with the treadmill where the chocolates are to be picked up wrapped and put back on it.  It is absolutely one of the funniest things I have seen and with every episode she surprised me with yet another subject matter from jealous wife to sneaky friend.  She embodied the kind of person you just had to love and so was my Lucy.

Yesterday was a difficult day as I helped my daughter to pack and donate some of her mother's belongings.  I thought it might provide closure but she cleared up that notion for me by letting me know how she was really just reliving the pain.  I think I get it now that I spent six hours in Lucy's kitchen packing the array of things she owned and touched.  It was exhausting on a physical level but also effected me on an energetic level as well, maybe even more so.  Packing Lucy's things was hard for my daughter yet what amazes me most is the grace with which she did it.  Her strength was visible and so was her vulnerability as a child of a mom who was too young and who had more jokes to tell.  Lucy loved a good joke and most of all a good laugh.  Her humor with our daughters was one that was fun to watch.

One of my nephews on Lucy's side of the family still honors me as his uncle all be it by marriage to his aunt Lucy.  Lucy always shared her family with me even after we divorced.  Yesterday when the packing time was complete my daughter told me she had something for me from Anthony.  She pulled out a pin of a red heart that said: "I Love Lucy" with the lettering duplicating the one on the show on TV.  He apparently ordered these for the family as a gift and a little token to honor my Lucy with.  I am often taken aback by how tender we are as a people and am so proud of him for thinking of his aunt and remembering her in this way.  I promptly put my pin on my jacket and will be wearing it often.  It is a small but powerful reminder of a wonderful women who I will continue to love the rest of my life.

Lucy was far more loving than many people I know.  She showed her love by cooking a wonderful meal or sharing a hug.  She was the kind of woman every man would have wanted to be married to because she was thoughtful and generous.  She loved you in ways that assured you that you were love.  She loved me without any conditions whether I was in a great up mode or a down in the dumps feeling sorry for my ass mood.  She made me smile because she was always happy.  She rarely allowed any incident or experience to bring her down and would see the lesson in everything that happened to her.  She had an optimism much like Lucy in the "I Love Lucy" show and at times would make us all laugh at the ridiculous thoughts of life.

I think that the most amusing story that my kids love to hear is when Lucy gave me a little hit with a pan.  At the time we must understand that she was pregnant with Taina, our first baby.  She was in the kitchen getting ready to cook and frankly did not seem as though she was in the mood to do so.  I began teasing her by tickling her here and there and simply mocking her.  Suddenly and to my dismay she used the pan in her hand to give me a whack.  I was shocked and immediately paused and then like a soldier I walked out of the kitchen and went to watch TV until dinner was ready.  That was the last time I mocked a pregnant woman with raging hormones.  Check:; lesson learned.

I Love Lucy.  Yes I do.  I loved her from the moment I set eyes on her and no other person on this earth ever brought what she did to my life, making it fuller and more exciting.  I loved her because she had a way of making me feel loved and a way of bringing light into my life, even an emotional balance.  I will always love Lucy and recall her memory as that red haired women (yes, it was dyed) with the porcelain beautifully flawless skin.  She was my Lucy and to say "I Love Lucy" is the most accurate feeling I have ever had.


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