Your Plan Or God's?

I have grown to understand that some situations in life end up coming down to my plan or god's plan. The ability to determine which of the two plans is best for me feels like it has been my life's journey.  The most recent of God's plan was the passing of my former wife and good friend.  As much as we would all like to control losing a friend we love it is simply not possible and what we understand as situations we cannot control we can either turn over to God or become confused by thinking we could stop a plan that is not ours to control.

We can make decisions about many things throughout the day.  We can decide what to eat, healthy or unhealthy foods.  We can decide what time to get up and when to get dressed.  We are empowered to make many decisions during the course of our life, yet there are things we are powerless over.  I have found that when I turn those things I have no control of over to God, he or she will handle those situations for me.

I have become angry at times when things don't go as I would like them to.  We have all been there and done that, even though we know it does not serve us.  We become angry over the things that happen even when we are deeply aware that these are things we cannot ever dream of controlling.  We get angry when someone leaves us, when someone cuts in front of us in traffic and even when a co-worker does not do their job.  All of those things are ones that we cannot control but we fall under the illusion that we can.  Instead of turning these situations over to a higher power and releasing them, we dwell in them and on them, sometimes drowning in them.

It may be in our plan to change a spouse or a loved one.  The truth is that it is not possible for us to do this and that giving up this plan to God and having faith that he or she will undertake that task will release us from the delusional thinking.  It may be in our plan for our daughter to go to college, perhaps an ivy league college, but it is not entirely up to us to select whether our child goes to college, least of all an ivy league one.  It may be in our plan for our husband to find a great job with great pay and keep it but if he is not on board nothing we want for him will become a reality.  He has to want it.  It is not our plans that unfold for others but rather God's plan for them, one that suits them.  It is not up to us to decide.

When it comes to God's plan there is only one simple solution.  Focus on the things you can control and take the emphasis off the things you do not have any power over.  Let God's plan unfold in your  life.  Know what is your plan versus god's plan.  Understand your human limitations and know that there will be times when you are powerless and it is best to surrender to God's plan.

Today make a conscious decision to follow God's plan.  Ask yourself: "What control do I have over this situation?  Is this something I should turn over to a power greater than me?  Focus this week on the things you can control and releasing those people and things you don't have control over.  Follow God's plan when you know deep inside that it is the best thing for you to do.  Find your inner peace by knowing the difference.

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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