Living With Intention and Purpose

When we live our life simply flying by the seat of our pants it can be fun.  There are times when one cannot think too much about what one is doing and simply enjoy the moment.  This kind of spontaneous living is great to a certain extent but eventually we must have a sense of commitment, purpose and intention.  We especially need to live with purpose when we expect to achieve goals and do the things to prosper and transform.  Life lived with intention and purpose is one that is lived fully and completely.

Intention is the way we do things.  When we do things with intention we have a good reason to do it.  We intend it to have an outcome and we do things by giving it thought.  If our intention is to hurt someone then we do so.  We may plan it by saying things to someone that is mean or hurtful.  In the same way we can intend to and plan to be kind to someone and to do the very things that will result in someone feeling loved rather than put down.  We choose what intentions we have for ourselves and towards others.  We have the will to decide what kind of intentions to move towards and what kind of intention is in our highest interest.  Intention is what we do consciously whether it is driven by love or is driven by resentments or hate.  In order to live with intention we must be willing to do the work involved and we must stay conscious and connected to Source.

Purpose is the reason we do something.  Our purpose could be jealousy, resentment, anger or love.  Our purpose could be to grow or to stay in our hatred and destroy our own soul or to increase the love factor in our spirit.  Life has a  purpose and yet many of us are unaware of what that purpose is.  For many the purpose of their lives has to do with other people like their children or their spouse.  For others the purpose of their life is to help others or to make a ton of money.  Whatever your purpose is is up to you but know that there are some basic reasons to live with purpose.  As human beings we have one purpose which is to live fully and find what is in our heart that we know will bring us joy.  Living with purpose means that we know what it is that we need to do, why we need to do it and how we will do it.  Living with purpose means that we live with meaning by doing things that are good for us and that respects others around us.

My own intention in life is to be kind to everyone whether they respond to that kindness or not.  My intention is to let go of any resentments or anger towards everyone I may feel hurt me, to forgive them.  My intention is to live a happier life and to share my talents with others.  My intention is to be prosperous in every area of my life: spiritual, physical, financial and emotional.  When we live with intention we can literally list the intentions we have and are willing to work towards that end.  Live your life with intention by deciding what your intentions are and doing the work needed to live your life with great intentions.

My purpose in life is to help others through life coaching and by staying awake and connected.  My purpose in life is to serve others while at the same time serving myself, knowing that I deserve to care of myself and that I am as important as the people I can help or choose to help.  My purpose is to live a full life and to stay connected to my spirit.  My purpose in life is to live with intention and to do my very best at every turn.  My purpose is to be productive so that I can help others by setting the example.  My purpose is the one that I know Spirit has selected for me and I am willing to follow that intuition and that leadership, being guided and by surrendering to Source.

To have a purpose and to live with intention we must be intentional and willing to do the hard work that is involved.  We must know our personal purpose or be willing to seek it or discover it through meditation, deep thought and self-work.  What are your intentions?  What is your purpose?  Think about the answer to these two questions for yourself and in your own personal life.  You will find that once you are aware of your intentions and your purpose life will being to look more like the life you deserve and want for yourself.

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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