Be Grateful and Happier Now

Gratitude is a feeling many of us struggle with because we are so busy being upset about the next thing, usually something we don't have, an issue we need to resolve or an occurrence that throws us into a spin.  It is easy to forget about what we do have and to be in gratitude around that which is good in our lives.  It is also easier to focus on what seems to be more prominent in the moment like a recent loss or a failed marriage.  We know how to get tangled up in what is going on in our life that is making us upset and we forget about what is going right in our life.  Gratitude is in fact a state of mind and a place in our being that appreciates and focuses on the good.  When we focus on the good the other matters in our life that we may be battling with will become smaller and less prominent.

Some of the basic things we can be grateful about are: 

Being alive: 
Every day we live is a gift and that should be our first gratitude when we awake.  Thanking Source, Spirit or God for the gift of being alive is the very first matter of the day.  When we are thankful right away as we begin the day we create a positive attitude from the jump start.

Gratitude Statement: Thank you Spirit Source for this beautiful day of life, a chance to be joyful and experience life.

Our home: 
If we are living in a place that is warm, where we have hot water and a table to eat at we are in fact fortunate.  Being grateful for our home is essentially being grateful for something many people do not have.  There are literally thousands of homeless people in the US alone so we can count ourselves as lucky and abundant if we have a home to go to, be safe in, sleep in and be sheltered in.

Gratitude Statement: Thank you for this home that shelters me and provides me peace and a place to rest my head.

Love of Family: 
This is for me one of the most important aspects of life, having a loving family who care about us and nurture us.  Your family is a gift as is a home and life.  Family and the love of family is precious and cannot be underestimated.  Being with family is one of the most rewarding and special things in life.

Gratitude Statement: I am grateful for my family who care for me, love me, provide laughter and acknowledge me.  Thank you Source!

Kindness of Friends: 
We may have several friends or perhaps two or three only.  No matter how few or how many having friends is a wonderful thing.  The support and the kindness we experience from our friends cannot be measured in dollars but rather something we measure in time they give to us.

Gratitude Statement: Thank you Goddess for the kindness and support of friends who care about me enough to spend time with me and lend me their ear.

There are so many things to be grateful for and these are just a few of them.  What are you in gratitude about?  What gratitude statement would help you to focus on that which you are grateful for?Can you put aside the things that seem to be out of place in your life and be in gratitude for the things that are in place?  The more you focus on what is going right in your life the more you will find that answers to the issues you may be facing will come with ease and grace.  We are living in a time where we desire more and more of the material things that don't matter.  It is perfectly fine to love your little house or your used car and be in gratitude no matter what kind of shoes you wear or the model of your television.  There is always something good to be grateful for even when things seem dark and weigh on us.  Be in gratitude and you will find that the light shines more brightly on those who are thankful.


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