Your Creative Side
We have some important aspects about us all of which need attention at one time or another. There is the emotional aspect, the physical aspect, the spiritual aspect, the financial one and then the one we often times pass over, the creative aspect. For some of us there is a false belief that we are not creative. We don't understand the importance of creativity and how it impacts our life. It is in fact that creative part of us that brings playfulness into our every day life. It is that creative person within us that yearns to express when in fact we are convinced that this is not a part of us that has importance. We in fact believe creativity is something that only some people have. Because we believe that creativity is something others have and not us, we fail to tap into it and use it as a meaningful route to our own happiness. The response of some I have asked is: "I am not creative" yet what I know for sure is that everyone is creative and everyone wants to create. When people are not using their creative side and then do they experience a feeling of completion. It is rewarding because one has exercised a part of the brain that longs to be expressed.
There are many ways to be creative and not all of them require we make something with our hands. The obvious ways we know to be creative are things like: making jewlery, sewing a dress, knitting, painting on a canvas, making furniture or cooking. There are many other ways to be creative like: writing, decorating and teaching yoga. The ways to express our creative side are endless. I for one love to play with legos and find this to be a fun outlet for my creative side. Finding ways to express our creativity is as important as finding ways to lift our spirit or become physically healthier. When we suppress our creative side we are suppressing an important part of our life. By expressing our creative side we express our wholeness and by exercising our creativity we nurture an important part of who we are as human beings.
Finding your creative side and what interests you as a human being can be very rewarding. Believing that you don't have a creative side may likely be something you were made to believe. Everyone has a creative side to them and for some it is a matter of searching inward to determine what that creative side needs to express. Not one person is "not creative" in my opinion. All of us have some kind of talent that translates into creativity. The importance of expressing our creative side cannot be minimized. We may falsely believe we don't have a creative talent but the fact is that we all have some talents. Trying a variety of things may be the best way to uncover your creative side. When you do you will likely experience a new joy by doing something that your soul has yearned to express.
Elliott Maximo Collazo
There are many ways to be creative and not all of them require we make something with our hands. The obvious ways we know to be creative are things like: making jewlery, sewing a dress, knitting, painting on a canvas, making furniture or cooking. There are many other ways to be creative like: writing, decorating and teaching yoga. The ways to express our creative side are endless. I for one love to play with legos and find this to be a fun outlet for my creative side. Finding ways to express our creativity is as important as finding ways to lift our spirit or become physically healthier. When we suppress our creative side we are suppressing an important part of our life. By expressing our creative side we express our wholeness and by exercising our creativity we nurture an important part of who we are as human beings.
Finding your creative side and what interests you as a human being can be very rewarding. Believing that you don't have a creative side may likely be something you were made to believe. Everyone has a creative side to them and for some it is a matter of searching inward to determine what that creative side needs to express. Not one person is "not creative" in my opinion. All of us have some kind of talent that translates into creativity. The importance of expressing our creative side cannot be minimized. We may falsely believe we don't have a creative talent but the fact is that we all have some talents. Trying a variety of things may be the best way to uncover your creative side. When you do you will likely experience a new joy by doing something that your soul has yearned to express.
Elliott Maximo Collazo
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