My Daughter

For me there is no higher honor in life than being a father, especially to my girls who share their love generously with me.  Yesterday my daughter moved in with me after going through some tough times that led to her mom's transition.  I am happy to have her with me and hope that I can be at my optimal level of parenting and of being her friend.  I want to show up for her emotionally and I look forward to this quality time together.  My life has been better because of her and what I sense is that this will be a wonderful chance to bond even more than before.

I am very proud of my daughter because in the face of suffering she maintains a courage and wisdom that makes me  understand life better.  She experienced the pain with her mother in the last couple of months and did everything she could to support her and love her by bathing her and serving her.  She did this on her own without anyone pressuring her but rather because for her it was natural.  This was a testament to who she is and what she believes in.

I know that these upcoming months will be difficult for her and my intention is to simply be available and remind her that I love her and that I acknowledge her pain.  Together we will get through this time and this test of life.  We will overcome it together by applying love to this situation we find ourselves in.  What I know is that there are no mistakes in life and that this is something we need to experience together.  In a way we are making up for some of the lost time when I was checked out and when I did not show up for her.  It is as if I have been gifted with another chance to be present for her completely.  It is my pleasure to do just that.

Life will hand us some stuff to deal with.  For some of us we will fail in that we lack the faith and courage to understand that we can get through it.  Whatever life hands us we must be sure that we can and will face it with some form of grace.  Life is a series of joys and challenges and if we make a decision to be happy we will be happy again no matter what life hands us.  Just sharing this with all of you makes me feel better and it is what I encourage all of you to do when you need to.  Life may hand us some lemons on occasion and all that we need to do is use them productively.


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