Is Karma Real?

We all like to think that "karma is a bitch" believing that what bad people do to us they will pay for in the end.  We just know that we don't have to get even with others for wronging us but that they will get what is coming to them.  They will know how it feels some day and we only need to move on and allow the consequences of karma to deal with them.

Marsha was married to Carl for ten years.  To anyone observing her and her husband they appeared to be living the FAB life.  She drove a BMW and her husband had a Nissan compact car.  They lived in a beautiful 2000 square feet penthouse in the city.  All seemed to be perfectly fine and by most people's standards Marsha was living the good life, at least until she was diagnosed with cancer and her husband cowered out and left her.  He simply walked out of the house one day and did not come back after demonstrating that he was not going to attend any doctor's appointments or take care of her.  In fact Carl attempted to palm Marsha off on her adult daughters so that they would take care of her while she was in treatment.  For two years Marsha would think of Carl with a loathing in her being.  Every core of her wished he would get what he deserved for doing what he'd done.  One day she realized that she no longer needed to hold any resentments towards her former husband but that karma would prevail.  Soon after that her husband fell down a flight of stairs.  Karma had prevailed.

This story is true and it is an example of how karma works.  It is believed by some that Carl will likely experience abandonment at his most needy time in his life.  That he would be left when he becomes ill.  Time will tell and perhaps Marsha will never know of it but according to the law of karma her husband will likely experience something that will remind him of what he did to her.  Like many people he will experience the karma that he created by doing what he did to someone who was in need and who dedicated her life to him.  For this reason we must all be aware of our own behavior because we too will experience the karma we create in life by our actions.

As ugly as it may seem karma is what is destined to happen in accordance with how we have lived our life.  It is a law that some believe cannot be avoided for the sins we commit on this earth.  With the law of karma the way we do things are important in that in the long run we will pay our dues for the things that are not aligned with compassion for others.  For some the law of karma means nothing until they are comfronted with the consequences for their poor behavior.  It is reason enough to do unto others as one would like others to do unto us.

When we examine our own karma we are looking more closely at how we behave and being careful to be as honest as we can be and to do  what we know is right.  When we look more closely at karma we understand better how life works and that it is our karma that will bring forth either the positive things or take us into darkness.  It is in a practical manner up to us.  It is why we must know the law of life, the one that says that our actions equals our experience.

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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