How To Get What You Want

Life is funny in that we do not always get what we want but that has not stopped us from trying.  We still want what we want and we do things aligned to getting it including working hard in jobs that we hate, simply because it affords us an expensive home and car.  This blog is not so much about getting what we want as it is being certain about what it is we want and what our priorities are.  Getting something at any cost is likely going to cause us pain and even illness.  In the long run we must first decide what we want and in addition why we want it.  The price of getting what we want should not exceed the pleasure we derive from obtaining it.

Once we know what we want and that it is in our best interest we can begin to plan it.  I call it an action plan or action planning.  Having a plan of action is useful in that it outlines for us what we need to do to obtain what we need or want.  Within that plan of action is the inclusion of various aspects of our life.  These aspects are those parts of us that are each as important as the other: our spiritual being, our emotional self, our physical body, our financial earnings and our creative side.  Each of these can be addressed in our plan if it is to be one that is all encompassing.  It may seem like getting a job that pays more will resolve a financial dilemma but without addressing the emotional stuff attached to the financial issues we may never experience getting what we want and the end result being that we heal from the things that keep us financially dependent.  Like emotional eaters we can be emotional spenders of money, hence part of the plan of action evolving around money should be our emotional attachment to money and our spiritual beliefs about it.  We have all heard the saying: "money is the root of all evil" where the thinking is that money and emotions are attached in some manner.  The statement is likely not true but it has it's place in our lives and explains our emotional attachment to money and how we can use it to manifest harm.  Your action plan around money can be to get a better paying job but it must also include emotional, spiritual, creative aspects.  We cannot isolate one aspect of our lives as if it does not effect the other parts of us.  Our plan is important in getting what we want and addressing every part of who we are is even more crucial to obtaining what we need.

Focus on what you want and spend time speaking only to that which you want.  The main idea here is to create a dialog inside yourself and outside to others that is focused on what you want and not what you don't want.  When in a conversation with others talk only about what you want and take out any words that may sabotage your needs.  Spend your time and effort just on what you want and do not expel any time in worrying or negative thoughts.  Force yourself to reach inside of yourself and target what is important to you.  Do things that support what you are looking to manifest.  The more time you put into thinking about what you want and will achieve the more likely it will be that you get there.  Take our the word impossible and replace it with the thinking that everything is possible unto thee.  You will get what you want if you simply place your emphasis on it and stay far away from what you don't want.

Believe it and affirm what you want every day.  There is much to be said about believing in what you want to get in life.  Believe that you will achieve the things you want and that is what will come to you.  Create a vision in your mind and believe that this vision will happen for you.  Affirm it by writing a statement that begins with I am like: "I am financially independent, emotionally healthy and spiritually connected.  I am prosperous.".  Believing and talking yourself into what you want and need will come a long way.  In a sentence: "what we believe we will achieve".  It is truly that simple however you must be a believer and truly have the faith that by believing you will achieve it.

Surrender to the process.  Sometimes the best thing to do is to surrender.  Surrendering to the process and to the knowing that you have done all you can and becoming open to guidance is where we may need to be in order to get what we want.  It is not the same is giving up but rather a place inside of us where we are willing to wait now that we have done all we can.  It is a place of faith and is especially helpful when we are feeling defeat.  We surrender to a higher being or an inner knowing so that we can stop ourselves from going around and around in circles and we get what we want by becoming peaceful inside and taking a step back.

Are you ready to get what you want and deserve?  What are you waiting for?  Do it!


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