When Internet Stops and Creativity Starts
When my internet goes out as it did last night I was unable to write my blog, watch my favorite stations on my iPad or buy music from iTunes. Many of the usual options work including sending emails to others. It is frustrating to say the least but it is more about our addiction to the internet and the impersonal way we live on Faeebook and Twitter. When we are lonely we turn to the internet in order to fill some form of a void and when it does not work we are faced with an opportunity to become creative or to do something other than to spend hours on mindless scrolling through the sometimes mindless posts on FB, from dogs dancing merengue to people being accosted by their dog by the hem of their pants. When your internet goes out become the creative person you already are. Do the things that you fail to do when you are on the internet. Read a self-realization book, meditate or pray, make something with your hands, go out to the movies, take yourself out d...