Laugh, Laugh, Laugh for there is time to CRY

"Rie, rie, rie que para llorar sobra el tiempo".  Singer: Albita from Cuba

Laugh, laugh, laugh for there is plentyof leftover time to cry.

I love these lyrics in the Albita song because they are so very truthful.  We should laugh as often as possible for there is plenty of occassions to cry.  I especially love it now because for a while there I had gone to crying often, in fact, almosty daily.  I am no longer crying as much but rather findiingg reasons to be hopeful, happy and in a state of laughter.  I have done plenty of crying.  I bet some of you have as well and are perhaps as tired as I am of it.  No more tears?  Well, maybe so but not as often and not about the same old stuff.  It is time to laugh at the things that have occured to me because today I look incredible and feel pretty good.  Today is a good day and I will latch onto that place of feeling good about me and about life.

Laughter is healing and most of us know it  because most of us have laughed and felt the effect it has on us.  The joy of laughter is intense and the last time I laughed I was in the Hampton's with friends who'd rented a home there and it was at the dinner table.  Three of us had made a joke about how someone who'd come to visit had seemed to monopolize one of the friend's time.  It was as though she needed him to be her friend and she'd do anything to keep his attention.  I pretended to be jealous and talked of hurting her as did one other person.  It went from funny to halarious and it was all meant in jest.  He knew that and so he laughed with us.  It was only meant to be fun and it hurt no one.  For me that is the kind of healing laughter from the very core of us that makes us happy.

In a place called OHI in California we would get up in the morning and do soft exercises.  Included in the exercise was a part where we crawled on our hands and feet like babies and another where we forced the laughter out of us.  Once we started to laugh it was as if it were contageous and it just blew up like a beautiful red baloon.  We all felt the healing effect of that laughter, even me, who at the time was bleeding from my cancerous growth.  I could for that time forget that I was severely ill and that I could possibly end up on an operating table.  As it turned out I stayed at the Institute for about two months and it was one of the most healing experiences of my life.  I made it a point to laugh at least twice a day and when I taught the exercise class I did so with a jovial attitude that made others laugh. Laughter was healing me each day and the feeling was freeing.  Once I did get to the operating table I was filled with confidence and could cry and laugh all at once.

If there is nothing to laugh about in your life I would say find it.   It is there.  Look everywhere you can for it.  Call your sister like I do.  She is halarious and once we get on a roll we laugh like teenage girls in the high school bathroom, loud as all hell.  If yoiu think there is nothing to laugh about look everywhere because in all certainty there is one thing to laugh about and you are bound to find it.  Do not give up.  Find something that will make you laugh and do so with gusto and charge.  Put on a comedy on TV or go watch a funny movie.  You will find that laughter is healing and that you are capbale of laughing no matter what is going on in your life.

I found out my cancer went to my lungs.  I found out that the radiation and chemo has made my leg swell of lymphedma.  I sometimes need my cane to walk and have been in a wheelchair when I have been feeling so tired and sick.  I have felt sadness losing parts of my body and my intestine placed on my waist.  I have fallen off a bike and bled after my operation fearing that this would be it.  My tires blew up on one side of my car the other day and I was headed towards the cement divider that was not just there but only  inches from me due to construction.  I was abused as a child and abused in a relationship for  over ten years.  I have been called every kind of name that is not my own.  Still I laugh.  I laugh because there is plenty of time to cry.


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