I Am a Warrior and I Survivied

None of us know what we will do when we are dealt the "C" card.  We are unsure at first if we dreamt the diagnosis or whether it was actually what the doctor said to us.  Some of us take time to digest that kind of serious health news and others begin to fight right away.  The way I see it we can become a victim or a warrior and although my abusive partner called me a victim repeatedly and said "It is not all about you, Elliott" I knew that in order to get past his own self hate and mounring I would have to become like a warrior and fight the good fight on my own.  There was really no other choice but to go down fast or lift myself up, brush myself off and clean myself up emotionally and spiritually.  I became a warrior for my own cause, one that I fought with just my daughters and very few friends.  While some ran including my partner, others showed up for me and loved me through some part of it.  I know that now it took a warrior mentality to endure, survive and life myself over it.  I did not do it alone but I spent many days alone, either at home or in the hospital.

Some of you may be sick of hearing about my illness and all that it brought to my life: the pain, the sadness, abandonment and sorrow.  On the other hand there were and still are lessons of wisdom and a new way of viewing life and the "C" word.  Never had I imagined that I had an incredible warrior inside of me that would jump up and fight for his life, but I found him and he was a gorilla fighter.  He was in there all the time waiting to come out.  Today I am proud to say that the "C" did not take me.  I am happy to report that not only did I make it this far over a year later but that I am doing better spiritually every day.  There is residue, there is pain and there is emotional trauma but I am still standing and feel like I am still the beautiful man I was before just without the parts they cut out of me.

Each of us has a warrior inside of us.  My partner did not but many around me did.  I thank god for the ones that did access their loving and compassionate warrior man or woman.  I am grateful for the ones that had the balls to stay and see me through it in any way they could.  I am elated that the ones who ran were the ones I sort of knew would.  They are the cowards of the world.  They are the people who cannot think outside their little insular world where they live to be all about their needs and not others.  Where their spirit is only accessed when they are in pain or in bad health conditions themselves.  Where they are trapped like animals inside a cage.  Where they could not tolerate others needs but rather it angers them.

I am blessed today wearing my beautiful white French cuff shirt, black suit and a beautiful  blue and pink and yellow tie with a silk yellow and blue pocket square.  I combed my longer hair back and I am wearing beautiful tapered Italian wing tip shoes.  Inside I am doing well and on the outside I feel handsome and blessed to be alive.  I go up, I brushed myself off, I cleaned up and got dressed and then I kept walking.  I will do this for as long as I can even with the assistance of a cane.  Nothing will stop me from what I need to do and what is designed and planned for me by God.  Nothing will change the fact that I have been made a Warrior.

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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