When Internet Stops and Creativity Starts

When my internet goes out as it did last night I was unable to write my blog, watch my favorite stations on my iPad or buy music from iTunes.  Many of the usual options work including sending emails to others.  It is frustrating to say the least but it is more about our addiction to the internet and the impersonal way we live on Faeebook and Twitter.  When we are lonely we turn to the internet in order to fill some form of a void and when it does not work we are faced with an opportunity to become creative or to do something other than to spend hours on mindless scrolling through the sometimes mindless posts on FB, from dogs dancing merengue to people being accosted by their dog by the hem of their pants.

When your internet goes out become the creative person you already are.  Do the things that you fail to do when you are on the internet.  Read a self-realization book, meditate or pray, make something with your hands, go out to the movies, take yourself out dancing or call a friend.  There are many other things you could be doing.  View the internet failure as a chance to do something else and as a sign that your mind and spirit need something else to do and do it.  Understand that the internet will likely come back tomorrow and that becoming frustrated and upset is just your addiction talking.  You can and will live without Facebook and without Twitter and without the on line dating sights.  In fact it is a great opportunity so cease it.

We as a society have become so attached to our computers, laptops and phones that it has become addictive and sad.  We are so addicted that we can go out to dinner and text on our phone while another person is sitting across from us and he or she is also texting.  The other day I saw a documentary about a couple who communicate most on their laptops even when they are in the same house together.  One can be in the bedroom and the other in the living room and when they need to communicate they Instant Message each other.  That means that on their laptop they will see a message pop up on their screen.   Then they would spend hours before going to bed barking orders or updating each other.   I was mortified to say the least that there were people who who would opt to communicate like this.

I would like to encourage everyone out there to put down your gadgets and become creative around how you spend your time.  Purposely put down your computer or iPad as I am going to do right after this blog and do something that serves you like a workout at the gym.  Take the time to do something with your children.  Get on your bike or take a nature walk.  Finding creative and loving ways of spending your time will make you feel much more complete than mindless scrolling or looking up information that you are not going to use right now.  There is a world of nature and people awaiting your input and your brand of kindness and wisdom.



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