Negativity: How to Avoid It

We all have had times when we are swallowed up by negative thoughts and behaviors.  We get lost in a series of complaints and judgements of ourselves and others.  The up side is that we can avoid it and we can even release it.  We don't have to live a negative life and we don't have to wait till we are 64 to be wise enough to know that it is consuming us.

Being negatie is harmful to you and others around you but most of all to you.  You want to avoid it because it will take you down and steal your joy and your success.  Negativity will also make us physically and emtoinally ill.  It is not easy to avoid negative behavior, especially when people you work or live with are in a constant state of fear, jealousy and resentment.

With all this said here are some ways to avoid what you don't want in your life:

A: Do not talk about negative things
B: Surround yourself with loving people who are happy and positive
C: Ride the wave and believe that what is bothering you will pass
D: Stay active doing things that connect you with the universe and others
E: Release whatever it is that you need to release to find your mojo again
F: Do not participate in gossip or hating behaviors

Avoid negativity by avoiding negative things and negative thoughts.  If you know you are working in a job or in a relationship that is negative get out of these toxic placess or away from the toxic relationships.

Ride the wave.  Sooner than later this too will pass.  As sure as there are more days you may feel differently the next day or the next hour or two.  Think that nothing is forever and that whatever is pestering you will go away almost as if magically.  Refuse to believe that this feeling and this moment will last forever because it won't.

Surround yourself with love.  Stay around happy people who are usually smiling and who refuse to be unhappy.  People who do fun things and who love themselves.  People who talk positively about others and about life.

Stay really active doing things that you enjoy or are good for your body or mind.  Exercise is one of the simplest ways to be in a place of happy.  Don't avoid going out and don't put the covers over your head.  Take a walk, ride your bike, take yourself out to a movie or take a road trip.  Keep doing and keep walking.  Don't sit still for too long if not to meditate, pray or chant.

Release people and things.  Be sincere in letting go of negative people and negative things in your life no matter how hard it may be.  Be courageous and walk away from the things and people who are putting you down and who you are allowing to displace their anger or resentments onto you.  Ask your loved ones to get the help they need and get the help you need.

Do not gossip.  Gossip is negative behavior and will only lead to the rabbit hole where it is dark and you will find Alice but not your spirit.  Run away from gossip and let people know you are working on yourself and will not participate.  You will not be a part of anything that is not about love and acceptance.

Perhaps avoiding may be the wrong wording.  Maye facing it is more like it, identifying what is bringing you down and holding you back.  Putting meaning into what it is that is in need of attention in your life and taking your baggage and turning it into wisdom and hope.  Maybe avoiding is really not what we are doing but rather addressing it.  Now that you know what to do to release negativity in your life try practicing it for ninety days.  If at the end of the ninety days you are not convinced that you have the potential to let go of what it is that is holding you back.


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