The Top 12 Facts of Life

As I recall the sitcom on TV titled "The Facts of Life" I cannot help but to think about the real facts of life.  What are they are why are they so important to know?  I also wonder why we ponder this taught so often that we cannot stop thinking about it.  What is life about and what are the facts I need to know?  A question many ask of themselves.

Here are the facts of life:

1. We are born and then we die not knowing when.
2. We get what we give, with few exceptions.
3. Boundaries are important to set with everyone in our  life.
4. There are necessary losses and endings.
5. Loving yourself is way more important than loving someone else.
6. We are destroying our environment and we are in danger.
7. Friendship is usually more enduring than one love.
8. Racism is effecting all of us.
9. Be the person you expect others to be.
10. You can only change yourself.
11. You get what you think most about.
12. Stay in gratitude not platitude.

The very first of the 12 facts of life is so self-explanatory that it needs no long explanation.  We are all aware that we were born and that someday we will die and the caveat is that we don't ever know when.  Although many would like to die of old age and die as we say "peacefully" our best bet is to die with some joy in our heart.  While some believe there will be a second life or reincarnation there are others who believe we live eternally in a heavenly place.  What matters most is that we live our life fully and with as much enthusiasm as possible.

We get what we give is an old saying that means that whatever effort we make in life or whomever we give to is the measure of what we will get back whether it is money, love or happiness.  The more you spread joy the more you will get it back.  The more you are generous with your money the less you will need to worry about it.  There are few exceptions to this rule but some might say that they have received more than they give and we know this to be true of some.  But only if we allow it.

Set your boundaries early in life with everyone you interact with, every single person.  If you do not set your limitations someone will do it for you or will cross every boundaries you voice to them.  Those are the disrespectful people in your life and the ones who you continue to allow to cross your line.  The simple way to setting boundaries is to verbalize them and stay steadfast to them with everyone.

You will win some and you will lose some.  Losses are a part of life and when one is living one cannot help but to experience both.  We lose relationships, jobs, friends, relative, all in many different ways and under different circumstances.  We must not focus on the losses but rather the wins.  We gain so much in life even after losing so much.

Loving yourself is the most important love you will ever experience.  When you do there is this surge of happiness coming directly from your heart.  You breathe in the lush flowers around you and you look in the mirror and see your beauty.  Becoming busy loving everyone else first will impede your happiness because if you are not first in love with yourself you cannot truly love another person.

We are in danger of losing all that we have.  Our resources are becoming painfully less abundant and we are polluting the water that our children will drink and the next generations.  We must see it as a crisis that needs to be addressed as soon as possible.  We must rise up from the things that are enticing us to continue to not recycle and to not care for our land and water.  This is the time to do the right thing by goddess and we must all participate and do our part in ensuring a clean and safe environment for years and generations to come.

Many times friends last longer than our relationships.
To BE Continued:


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