Start Your New Story Today

If you would like to begin to change your life this is the blog you want to read carefully.  It all starts with your old story and ends with the new one.  It is a powerful way to start to change your life circumstances and your past into something brighter and better.  Into more of who you really are spiritually, physically and emotionally.  Are you ready?

Many of us are holding on to what I call our "old story".  In our old life story we are jilted, resentful, angry about something or someone or depressed and upset.  In our new story we take back our joy and we feel happy, excited, playful and hopeful.  We chose which one we want to continue to live.  The old story of our life or the new one?  We and we alone can make that decision and here is where to start.

Take ten minutes to quiet your mind.  Time the minutes with a stop watch or alarm.  You may like to put some meditation music on.  I have a station programmed into my devises that works well for me.  Silence your surroundings by turning off the phones and ensuring you will not be interrupted by anyone by going to a sacred, quiet and private space: your bedroom, your office, your outdoor deck or somewhere you feel safe.  Make this a sacred activity, one that you take seriously and that you take your time doing.  Get comfortable (consider laying down) and begin Inhaling through your nose and exhaling from your mouth, taking ten deep breaths all the way to your gut exhaling it all the way out through the mouth.  Push the air out as you exhale.

After you have finished your quiet time-meditation make a short list of five things that you appreciate that you are in gratitude for.  This will help you begin to think positively and to show yourself that there are some wonderful things going on in your life that are meaningful.

Now you are ready to write your "Old Story".  In your old story you will write about the things about yourself and your life that you know are negative and that have held you back.  You may go back as far as you like, even to your childhood when your mom and dad fought and eventually were divorced and how that effected your self esteem.  You can discuss such things as a difficult divorce and how sad or angry it made you feel.  Write freely about all those things that happened in your life or that you did in your life that were not in your highest good and that may have been hurtful.  For some that may be expressed like this: " In my old story I felt like I felt like people took advantage of me and I could not set boundaries or say no when I needed to say no ".  Once you have completed your old story read it one time and then  prepare a safe environment to burn or shred it.  As you dispose of it make the statement repeatedly: " I am done with this and I release it " or any other statement that has a similar meaning of completion and of releasing.

Now you are ready to write your "New Story".  Your new story can be related to your old one in that you are taking some of the information or statements and making it into a positive.  This is an expression of what you want more of in your life and in your new story you express everything that you want to feel and get more of in your life.
Your new story can sound like this: In my new story I feel vibrant and beautiful, healthy and whole.  I am confident and joyful, filled with gratitude about everything and everyone that is a gift in my life.  In my new story I take care of my body by eating the right foods and exercising.  I know that my joy comes from myself and that I am responsible for my own happiness.  I am complete and perfect just as I am.  You get the idea.  Once you have completed your new story save it in a safe and private spot to review each day for at least ninety days.  The more you read your new story, the more you will feel like it is  unfolding and the chances of it unfolding increase.  You become your new story, the one where you are empowered and the one where you leave the past old story behind.

I would like to share a story about a woman I will call Mary.  In her old story she and her husband had a volatile relationship.  They were constantly at odds and argued almost daily.  Mary did everything to avoid her husband but her husband who I will refer to as Sam was adamant about pushing her buttons and angering her.  Mary had a bad temper and eventually she would slap or push her husband feeling as though she had no other recourse.  Eventually they had come to the point where they were feeling hopeless and Mary wanted to find a way to leave Sam even though she loved him.  In many ways she felt Sam was a good person at his core.  She did not want the marriage to end.  Both Mary and Same wrote their old story and were able to let that pain of the past go.  Then they wrote their new story including parts in service to their relationship.  Today Mary and Sam are much happier and have a more loving and respectful connection because together they created their new story and stuck to it.  In their new story there was compassion for each other and those parts they needed and knew to heal as individuals.  Now they could be a happy couple in the real sense of the word.

Writing our old story and then our new story is the start of a new life.  One that is happy and complete.  One that holds us accountable and begins to heal the past.  Along with other things like therapy and meditation we begin a journey to heal the past, leave it behind us and start a new and beautiful life.  It may not be easy but it will be worth the time we invest in it.


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