5 Tips to Finding Love

Many of us are simply not interested in finding love and in fact are happy being single.  This blog is not for those people and might I add, good for them.  Not everyone wants to be in a love relationship but for those of us who do here are some simple tips:

1.  Write 10 characteristics of the person you consider your ideal love connection.
2.  Visualize meeting someone and write about the experience as if it were happening today.
3.  Create a vision or dream board collage with pictures that represent love.
4.  Get involved in activites where you might meet someone or an online dating.
5.  Ask people you know if they know someone single that is looking.

Writing the ten things you feel are ideal in a person you would like to be with makes it more realistic and can likely manifest someone special into your life.  By writing down the things you are looking for in a person you are asking the universe to bring that kind of person into your life.  Once you have the list place it in a special box and review it on occassion.  By doing this you are inviting someone into your space that you will actually like.  After all love does start with liking a person and their traits.

Visualization is a well known way to create something in your life.  By writing a story about a person you met, the way you met and details of the encounter you are convincing your subconscious mind to bring that into your life.  In this case we are talking about a person you want to eventually have as a love interest.  When you write your experience be vivid about it and use language that is exciting and colorful.  Write your story as if it is happening in the moment.  It can start with how you met this person and then move into all the things that happened after that.  It is your ideal dream.

A vision board is filled with pictures related to something you want in your life be it a home or a relationship.  Create your dream board by cutting pictures out of a magazine that represent what you want to happen in your life.  A love vision/dream board can include the place where you meet this person, hearts, men or women and all things love.

Get involved.  Get out there and meet new people by getting involved in groups or doing some volunteer work.  Look up clubs in your community like book clubs or singles groups.  Be more social and go out more often doing things on your own like going to see a movie or having dinner out.  There are other single people out there alone that you may strike a communication with.  Places like museums and art institutes and dancing schools are great ways to meet others.  Find something you like to do and do it more often.

Ask around.  Ask people you know if they know someone who might be a good match for you.  Don't be afraid to ask as there are people who just don't think about it and may not have told you about a single person they know.  I know a man who sent an email out to his friends and actually met someone he is still with.  Another friend attended a dance class her friend taught and met someone she has been with for several years now.   It does not hurt to ask.

Whether you are young or seasoned in life there is someone out there for you.  You have to begin by believing that.  Everyone has the ability to create love in their life and do so in many creative ways.  Some with dating sites and others by joining groups.  Becoming more active and social is one of the best ways to meet others.  Mister or Miss right is not going to walk up to your door and ring your door bell.  You have to be assertive and have visualization skills that you use to make it happen.  Most of all you have to believe it will happen.


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