Those Who Love You ...

"Those who love you are not fooled by mistakes you have made or dark images you hold about yourself.  They remember your beauty when you feel ugly; your wholeness when you are broken; your innocence when you feel guilty; and your purpose when you are confused."  Alan Cohen

I often find inspiration in others work such as this one by Alan Cohen.  This is also one that my daughter and best friend sent me.  She seems to often know what I need to hear or may be led by spirit to share something like this with me.  I who have been through the darkness and been rejected and ignored  by some in my life who not only could not understand my pain but took it personally and did exactly what Don Miguel Ruiz asks us not to do in his profound little book "The Four Agreements".  

I recall the actress Demi Moore stating about her daughter: "I could only love her until she loved herself".  A woman who danced on "Dancing with the Stars" and won the trophy.  A woman who when she was younger was bullied and called ugly.  A woman who turned out to be an incredible dancer with a rocking body and enough beauty to make all those bullies ashamed today.  Yet she is humble and loving and almost angelic in her mannerisms and behavior and words.  I too feel like my daughters have loved me in those times when I could not love myself and that their mother did the same for me in the ten years I was married to her.  I consider myself fortunate that the people who have stayed are the ones who God needed to stay and those that left just did and I for one am grateful to know the truth.  It has made me stronger in spite of their abandoning me.  

My wholeness comes back to me when I get a call like the one I got today from a mother who asked me to speak to her daughter who misses me.  She is a mother and her daughter whom I coached for a few months.  It is during those times that I know my purpose and I am no longer questioning it or thinking I don't deserve a place in the sun because one person decided to abandon me and stop alleging to love me.  

My granddaughters remind me of my innocence and how worthy I am to feel the joy of a child.  I get to take back my power after having been abused as a child their age for many years and then as an adult for many more.  They see my pureness of heart and it is then that light in the darkness when they are around me, loving me without any conditions and expecting nothing back.  Few men like me will ever know that kind of joy.  Few men will recover from their own pain as a child and be able to love outside themselves.  I have that in my life.  

And so when you are down on yourself do remember that there are those who love you and will hold the light for you when you are in the dark and will love you no matter what happens to you or what mistakes you make in life.  These are the days in your life that have meaning and these are the days in your life when you will fly up to the sky like a dreamer dreaming and find your heart's desire.  


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