Daughters and Dads
I use to say to people that God knew what he was doing by giving me daughters versus sons. I am still of the same belief that I can tie a perfect bow but would be terrible at teaching a boy how to play baseball. I am a dad of two wonderful girls who are really women, one 36 and another one 31. They are to me the sunshine of my entire life and today they are not just my daughter but great friends who love me. There is something very special about having daughters and being a dad. I know in my heart that daughters and fathers have a special bond and that women who have no father in their life are ones who often times have made the wrong choices in relationships with men. It is crucial to a woman that she have a dad that is actively in her life even if that father is not perfect.
Daughters are at the core of dad's joy and it seems to be a really great bond present between fathers and daughters. Mine with my daughters has had stages. When they were lilttle girls they seemed to want appoval all the time. The look on their faces was like saying please like me and please tell me that I am a valuable. At this stage of their life they need a male figure who will tell them that they are good enough, pretty enough and in fact very special. I remember this stage as one where I selected my words in ways that would depict my acceptance of my girls and always being careful to say things that were affirming of their intelligence and their beauty inside and out. This is a very sesnsitive stage in a girls life and a father's role is to be there and to say things that are loving and that make them feel wanted and loved. This is when girls are forming their opinion of how a man should be and you are their first model. You are their first example of what a man should be like and how he should treat her.
The hardest part of a dad's life is when their daughter turns into a teen. You are so afraid that there are men out there that are looking at them in a physical manner and it scares you. You know deep inside that they are vulnerable to some slick male that could convince them to do things that you don't want for them. This is the time to talk to your children about sex and sexuality and for me it was hard. I felt like their mom should do that talking but at the same time that as a man and dad that I knew things that I could share that they needed to know. It is that time when dads find a need to protect their daughter. Even though it may seem that your daughter doesn't need you but they do more than ever. They may even seem put off by your concerns and dialog with them about boys but in the end they are thankful and will tell you so.
My daughters are now adults and not only are they my children they are my friends. The relationship has evolved. Now more than usual you are more grateful for their presence in your life. They get to decide whether they are going to spend time with you or not. My girls chose to spend time with me and we go on daddy daughter dates often. I think we are closer than most dads are with their daughters, even going out and dancing together. I am overjoyed by this and I can also see that my daughters still need me to be their father and to approve of them, love them and accept them. They will always be my kids no matter how old they are. They will always bring joy to my life as long as I am on this earth. There is a special bond between me and my girls that no one can get between. Even my married daughter has this special connection with me that is not so different from when she was a girl. I feel very special to be a father and as dad's day approaches I am honored to have women in my life who love me unconditionally and who I am very proud of.
Daughters are at the core of dad's joy and it seems to be a really great bond present between fathers and daughters. Mine with my daughters has had stages. When they were lilttle girls they seemed to want appoval all the time. The look on their faces was like saying please like me and please tell me that I am a valuable. At this stage of their life they need a male figure who will tell them that they are good enough, pretty enough and in fact very special. I remember this stage as one where I selected my words in ways that would depict my acceptance of my girls and always being careful to say things that were affirming of their intelligence and their beauty inside and out. This is a very sesnsitive stage in a girls life and a father's role is to be there and to say things that are loving and that make them feel wanted and loved. This is when girls are forming their opinion of how a man should be and you are their first model. You are their first example of what a man should be like and how he should treat her.
The hardest part of a dad's life is when their daughter turns into a teen. You are so afraid that there are men out there that are looking at them in a physical manner and it scares you. You know deep inside that they are vulnerable to some slick male that could convince them to do things that you don't want for them. This is the time to talk to your children about sex and sexuality and for me it was hard. I felt like their mom should do that talking but at the same time that as a man and dad that I knew things that I could share that they needed to know. It is that time when dads find a need to protect their daughter. Even though it may seem that your daughter doesn't need you but they do more than ever. They may even seem put off by your concerns and dialog with them about boys but in the end they are thankful and will tell you so.
My daughters are now adults and not only are they my children they are my friends. The relationship has evolved. Now more than usual you are more grateful for their presence in your life. They get to decide whether they are going to spend time with you or not. My girls chose to spend time with me and we go on daddy daughter dates often. I think we are closer than most dads are with their daughters, even going out and dancing together. I am overjoyed by this and I can also see that my daughters still need me to be their father and to approve of them, love them and accept them. They will always be my kids no matter how old they are. They will always bring joy to my life as long as I am on this earth. There is a special bond between me and my girls that no one can get between. Even my married daughter has this special connection with me that is not so different from when she was a girl. I feel very special to be a father and as dad's day approaches I am honored to have women in my life who love me unconditionally and who I am very proud of.
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