How To Stop Hating Him

In most relationship break ups there is residue of feelings like resentment and even more severe ones where we may feel like we hate the person.  For some we are angry and feeling hate for good reason like being abused for a number of years and even being sexually molested by a person we had a relationship with.  It is crucial to our own mental health and physical being to find ways to channel that hatred or feelings of hell as Buddhist would define it.  Being in that state of hell is harmful only to you and so finding your way out of that hellish state is very important to your healing and beginning anew.

Here are some tips on how to go from hell to a heavenly state once you have terminated a relationship:

1.  Pray, chant or meditate for him and for you. Lift him up to the light.
2.  Write that good bye "Dear John" letter and don't send it to him.
3.  Do a lot of self-work and self-evaluation and self-nurturing.
4.  Stay very active most of the time.
5.  Eat well and sleep well.

Praying or meditating while sending light and love to the person you ended it with is healing and actually the best way to let go.  Holding on to the hate will impeded you and the opposite will make you grow and flourish and feel healthy and whole.  Let go of the resentments by praying for the good of that person no matter what they did to you and asking Source to allow you to fogive.  Chanting, meditating and prayer are the way to healing inside, in your heart, in your deepest self.  Intentionally praying or meditating for someone you are no longer with for good reason is going to lift you.  The only waay to know this is to literally do it.

Write the man a good bye letter.  In the letter be as loving and kind as you can.  Make it a letter you would like to receive rather than one of blame and shame.  Remember that doing unto him is not the objective but rather to lift the burden off of you is.

Do you work, your self-work.  Do things that heal like counseling and joining support groups.  Nurture yourself by taking baths to ease your stress feelings of loss.  If you need medication admit that and ask to see a therapist that can prescribe meds to you that will assist you in getting through the tough parts.  Go to a movie alone, eat out and buy some flowers or cool socks.  Lift yourself up by taking care of yourself.  Evaluate why you were in the relationship with guidance from a mentor or counselor.  Uncover the reasons you are still holding on and why you stayed for so long.  Make sure you are honest with yourself about your part in it all.  After all you did chose him or allowed him to select you.

Stay active.  Exercise is great but any form of actively doing things is great.  Don't judge yourself if you just want to stay put but get up as soon as you can and are able.  Staying still too long is detrimental.  Actively love yourself as well.

Get enough nutrition and sleep.  Lack of sleep alone will make you more vulnerable.  If you must take a sleeping pill then do so because it is important that you rest so that you can keep your mind keen enough to get through this difficult time.  I found a great sleeping natural aid that worked and was completely organic and you can do that as well.  Not getting enough sleep or eating enough will compound the situation for you both emotionally and physically.  Not eating is  form of self-loathing and self-abuse.  Eat whatever you can but eat.  Sleep in any manner that you can but do sleep.

These are a few tips on letting go of the hate and refocusing on yourself.  Give them a try and also think of your own ways of letting go of the poison that hate creates for us.  You have the strength to get through this and you will.  Depend on source and on your wit to help you rise up.


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