What You Do Not Know: It's OK

When people ask me a question my most recent answer is "nothing".  When I slip in my language and say "I know what you mean" I turn around and say: "really I don't know anything".  Then I change the word know to "speculate" or "guess".  The fact is that I don't know much and that as soon as I think I do I get the memo that I don't.  Where does the memo come from?  From my inner guide or from a higher energy.  It comes from a  place of admitting that I don't know and surrendering to the  fact that I don't, not being ashamed that I don't know.  It is with this kind of thinking that we realize the truth about our life.  It is OK not to know all the things all the time.  Not to have all the answers.  In fact when it comes to others allowing them to uncover their truth is best.  Telling others is a good way to turn them off.  Replacing the Let me tell you with Allow me to share this observation with you.

I love Iyanla Vanzant as you all know by now.  She says things like "Oh this is not an opinion this is my observation".  I spent some time trying to get what she was saying.  and what it meant and now it is clear to me.  It means that someone has observed you or me and has seen a behavior in you and sharing it with you.  An opinion is based on one's thoughts while an observation is based on fact and what we see.  Iyanla would witness two women who were sisters and one would insult the other.  She would wait and then tell the one that did the insulting that she hurt her sister and that what she said was not loving.  The woman would respond with "that is your opinion" and then Iyanla would respond with "It is my observation of you".  Immediately the woman knew that what happened was that something was witnessed about her and that it was just the truth being shared with her.  What the woman did not know was that there is a difference between someone observing a character defect and a person just sharing their opinion and someone made it OK for her not to know or for her to be in denial.

What we don't know is likely something we don't need to know.  We are not going to benefit from every single thing we do not know.  We don't have to know everything and we must be Ok with that fact.  We don't need to know everything.  If we did know everything then what would be the point in living?  For every day is an experience in our life some without any profound meaning and some we just have to enjoy and leave the intellectual aspect out of it.

Sit down right now and write down all the things you would like to know and why.  Then write down all the things you don't know and why does not matter.  Remind yourself that the only thing that matters are the things you do know and are suppose to know.  That you made it this far not knowing a lot of things and that you will likely die not knowing many things.  Like the "meaning of life".


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