Love Like U Ain't Been Hurt

The basis of this blog is an invitation to be who you are: fearless.  So you won't be upset I will tell  you from the beginning that this blog is meant for you to identify your own fears around being seen, heard, understood and loved.  

Here are the other four sayings: 
"Work like you don't need the money" 
"Dance like no one is watching"
"Sing like no one is listening" 
"Love like you never been hurt before" 

So let us begin again to entertain such thoughts as these.  Where in god's name did we get these sayings and isn't it a bit crazy how crazed we are about each one.  It is because each of them have profound meaning.  Each is a worthwhile thought to have and each thought is truly timeless.  As sure as the little black dress evolved we have at one time been asked about each of these things in our life: Love, Work, Dance of life and Our Voice (singing like no one is listening) My hope is that each of the sayings means something to you by the end of this blog. 

Work like you don't need the money: 
If each of us were doing what made our heart sing we would be much less focused on the money but rather the enjoyment we get from doing something called work.  In fact there are people and actors that will say that what they do for millions of dollars makes them feel badly because they love what they do.  On the other hand there are people who want to shout how much they hate their job or what they do every day.  So what is left but to say that we should work like we don't need the money because in the end it is not about the money, although I am not apposed to wealth, I just wish it were me.  

Dance like no one is watching: 
Would it not be perfect to dance freely and express who you are deep inside of you as though no one is caring about or eyeing what you are doing.  Dance like no one is watching is dancing without any inhibitions and for the fun of it.  

Sing like no one is listening: 
This is the best one of all.  Have your voice, sing out loud as though no one can hear it.  Without fear or judgements.  Without self hate and criticism of yourself.  Without giving a dam whether any one is listening to us sing or say exactly how we feel.  Some who have beautiful voices may never be heard by our standards but if she believes she has a voice that will be all that matters. 

Love like you never been hurt before: 
I cannot even imagine what it would have been like if I had given up on love completely.  I still want it in my life, that one speckle man that is a truly wonderful man in deed and in word.  Loving like you have never been jilted or hurt is a free form fall: real love.  If you allow that last  person who hurt you to stay in your head it will be impeding love from coming to you.  

Elliott Maximo Collazo 


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