Life As A Fairy Tale

" The Idea of Life as a Fairy Tale is in Itself a Fairy Tale. "

This quote is from Grace Kelly who became the princess of Monaco.  She as some know her was an actess.  I was intriqued by this statement and found that it resonated as the truth for me.  Life is a fairy tale if this is how we perceive it.  Grace Kelly battled and lived between two worlds and much like Princess Dianne she had to pick between the world of royalty and the world of acting, the latter the monarchy would not accept.  Grace felt that she should and would be able to do both: be an actress and be a princess.  Even her own mother did not support her being an actress and a princess, feeling that the role of princess was more important.  She once said to her " You are not an actress anymore, now you are just a princess".  Her idea was that life as a fary tale is in itself a fairy tale.  She had to live out her dreams in her head because she could not be an actress (her fairy tale) and be a princess and mother.

Today some have a different mind set about a woman working and being a mom.  Some would say that leaving their children with nannies and having someone else raise them is irresponsible.  Yet there are many women who chose not to stay at home and raise their children.  There are many more who would rather work outside the home than to stay home day in and day out.  They may even chose to have their husband or partner stay at home and raise the children as a stay at home dad.  Thank goodness the world is envolving.

The idea of a fairy tale is in itself a fairy tale encouraged Grace Kelly to learn French and the French ways, even their mannerisms.  She was trained by the best mentors in the are of etiquette and of language and intonation.  She did her best like many women do to please her husband and not fail at being a woman that looked and acted like a French woman.  She became not just graceful but she bega to do things that were not heard of for a princess to do such as taking food to the soldiers and like Princess Dianne began to change her image from an ordinary American to a woman that rivaled other French born women.  What she did is even to this day not so unusual when you think of how women reinvent themselves to suit a joh or a relatiionship.  The truth about Princess Grace was that underneath all the changes she made she was still Grace Kelly, the woman and the actress.

We cannot be someone we are not and create a fairy tale that is not true.  We cannot throw out the characteristics that are who we really are without suffering imensely in the end.  No matter what we do to change our self for someone else we can never not be who we truly are inside.  Sooner or later the true identity of who we are will come out.  Sooner or later we will feel the intense pain and suffering of playing a role we are not.

Each of us deserves to be ourselves.  Each of us deserves to live our genuine self.  Each of us deserves to live with that person that we are and accept it.  Each of us are a unique and wonderful being  that must be who we are for the sake of our spirit.  There is a long history of women who have fought to be who they are, some successfully and some not.  The list is long: Marilyn Monroe, Grace Kelly, Anna Nicole Smith, Jane Fonda, Betty Davis, Princess Dianne, Ellen DeGeneres, Oprah Winfrey, Maya Angulou, Anita Hill, Madonna and many more.  Today there are little girls and young ladies who will fight the good fight from fairty tale to reality.


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