Become Your Best Self

I like to think that in sixty one years of life I have become a better version of the person I was when I was younger and more invested in my ego.  I also like to think that each of us has the ability to become our very best self, but the truth of it is t that we have to be willing to do the work required and become more truthful about how we behave and how we do things in life.  We can become our best self or our highest self by taking a look at ourselves honestly and then doing some basic things that will carry us to that place where we become a better version of who we already are.  Yes, who we already are.  With that said, let's take a look at some ways to become our best self:

List your talents and then act on them:
Make a list of the things that you are good at.  What are your talents?  Write each one down and talk a little about how you view that talent and why you would like to be able to express it.  Select one of these talents and begin to practice it by doing something to demonstrate that talent.  You may be good at writing and maybe decide that you will write and then submit an article.  Expressing your talents will help you to become your best self.

Serve others: 
Becoming your best self becomes easier when you do some volunteer work or serve others.  Finding a way to serve others that may be less healthy or less abundant than you do is a way to becoming a higher version of yourself.  By doing things for others you are practicing love and compassion.  With love and compassion we become a better version of who we are.  There are emotional rewards when we serve others and do things that are kind for others.

Dress it all up: 
Becoming our highest and best version of who we are will sometimes require us to look at how we peresent ourselves.  This can be done in what some would think a superficial manner but getting dressed nicely makes some of us feel better.  Our best self includes presenting ourselves nicely dressed.  Looking our best helps us to feel and become our best.  By redoing the way we dress we are welcoming a new person with a caring attitude about how we look.  Many times dressing well will make us feel good.  Becoming our highest self can be attached to taking the time to look sharp.

Exercise Mind, Body and Spirit: 
Becoming our best asks us to care for our body, mind and spirit.  Each of those parts of us need attention on a daily basis.  When we address our mind, body and spirit we are working on being our best self.  We don't just roam about in life and grow without putting effort into it.  How we exercise our mind, our body and our spirit is up to us, only that we should do this and must to grow into our highest self.

De-clutter your life: 
De-clutter your life in every way.  This includes things and people.  Take at least one box a day and fill it up with things you don't need, don't fit you or don't serve you anymore.  Take an inventory of the people you are associated with and decide if you would like to continue to have those relationships.  For many of us there is some person or persons who we need to release with love and with ease.  Letting go of people who weigh us down either emotionally or intimately will help us to move into our best self.  Our best self cannot be if we are unable to manage a relationship with someone who we know we need to let go of.

Be active: 
Becoming our highest self requires us to be active.  That means not sitting around day after day but rather doing things that are actively requiring us to move about.  It does not matter what we do to be active bur rather that we just do our best to be actively involved and interacting with others and the world around us.  Becoming our best self means that we are willing to take a chance and get involved, interacting with people, places and things.


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