If You Were Fearless

If we were fearless we'd not be hesitant to do anything and everything we wanted to do.  All our dreams would come true and we would have all the things we wanted and needed.  If we were fearless the sky really would be the limit and we could almost bring down the moon and give it to someone we love.  If we were fearless we would not worry about the next step, we would just do it and run with it.  If we were without fear we would not allow one thing or  person to ever get in our way.  It is the fearless people who take chances and usually end up winning.  The fearless people become president of their company and travel to exotic places like India or Greece alone.

Fear gets in the way of a lot of things we do.  Fear stops us in our tracks and we freeze up no longer going for our dreams and feeling discomfort at jumping in feet first.  Fear makes us believe we cannot do this or that and that we won't be able to make it through the tough times.  Fear makes us save all our money and not enjoy it by taking a vacation even though we can afford it.  It rips our dreams right out of our hands.  It steals our joy and it makes us think that when someone leaves we will never recover from it.  Fear makes us keep our children from diving off the diving board because we don't trust that they have learned it in their diving class.  Fear is irrational.  It does not ever make sense.  It is an illusion and unless it is about life and death it remains an illusion.  We must not et fear keep us from our dreams.

Confident that he will get the money from the bank to open his business Carl goes to the bank and gets the loan he needs.  Fearful of what will happen Alex goes to the bank to ask for a loan for a house.  He gets rejected.  We make our dreams fall through or become a reality by the attitude we go into the action with.  If we approach it with fear then we will not succeed.  If we are fearless their is a good chance we will get what we need.  I believe that people can "smell fear" as others might say.

Go into what you need to do without fear.  In fact be fearless like a warrior or a King.  Have hte courage to believe in yourself and that what you dream of will happen just like that.  Fear will stop you but courage will propel you.  Believe in yourself and be fearless about what you dream of doing and it will be done.


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