5 Paths to Joy Now

Many of us have been raised to believe that we will only be joined to a heavenly joyous state when we die.  In fact there are people who have shared that when their family member died they smiled and looked happy, some for the first time, some who'd not shown that happy side and in fact where often angry and sullen.  Others believe that joy is something we will find when we get to heaven if we go to heaven.  That is if we are good and we don't "go burn in hell" as some religions might want us to believe.  I believe that hell is here on earth and that joy can be achieved here and now.  Let me share what I think:

We can find our Joy Now by: 

1.  Doing things that bring us joy. 
2. Thinking joyfully every day. 
3.  Finding our sources of joy. 
4.  Surrounding ourselves with joyful people. 
5.  Identifying and defining our joy. 

By doing things that bring us joy we bring joy into our lives.  All we need to do are activities that make us feel good inside.  So many people are attempting to find their joy in alcohol or in another person yet the joy is inside of us.  All we need to do is the very things that we know will put a smile on our face.  This could be anything: writing poetry, writing a blog (like me), dancing alone in your living room, playing a game, riding our bike or watching a love based movie.  Doing the very things that make us happy lead us to our joy immediately.  

Thinking joyfully every day will help us to be in our joy.  Think about things that are funny or joyous, even things from your past.  Tell yourself that you are happy now.  Convince yourself you are happy and give yourself the reasons that you are out loud or to  yourself.  Think happy thoughts every day.  Go over those happy thoughts like an inventory in your mind.  

Find your source of joy.  This means to look for where the source of joy comes from for you as if it were a resource.  Where and when do you feel joyful?  Scan your body and find the source of your joy.  For some it is God but for others it is their inner Buddha.  It is believed in Buddhism that you are your own source of joy and happiness.  You have the power to find that heavenly state within you because it is simply there.  You are joy.  If something else is your source of joy it is a good idea to source it from that entity.  Source your joy by following what you believe is the source of your personal joy.  

Be around people who are joyful and not ones who are consistently down on themselves and the world.  Others will effect your joy and it is much like catching the bus with the right people on the bus with you that are looking for what you are looking for or  going where you are going.  Joyful people around you will bring joy to your life and this is one way to stay in your own joy zone or joy energy.  Be with those who are happy people doing happy things and sharing happiness with others.  

Identify and define what joy means to you.  Look up the definition of joy for starters.  Once you have defined it for yourself post it in a place you can see it all the time.  I was going through a difficult time at one time and I posted "You meant to harm me but God meant it all for good".  It was at a time when I felt victimized and needed to let that go in order to feel happy again and find my joy.  Defining your joy is the first step to recovering it.  Something like what joy means to you.  "Joy is a beautiful feeling that empowers me to love myself and others every day."  Or "Joy is in my heart every day and all I have to do is think it to be and it is, today and for the rest of my life" Or "Joy is my God given right and everyone has access to it, including me".  

Your paths to joy may have been detailed for you in the five paths to joy as I see them.  In my spiritual teachings I have gained a little wisdom but in truth I cannot know what can bring you joy but I can share what I have learned at USM and in my sixty one years of life being a dad, a grandpa, a teacher and a spouse.  Through your own inner examination you can uncover your joy.  First you have to believe you can and second that it is accessible to anyone at anytime.    


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