How Light Pours Into You
Today I am watching "Super Soul Sunday" with Oprah. It is a spiritual program and Oprah is fearless about what she presents and who she has as a guest: Deepak Chopra, Shirley McClaine, Eckart Tolle, Iyanla Vanzant and Maya Angelou. She presents whatever she feels and those people who may be considered odd, openly and boldly.
This afternoon Oprah shared a "short" that addressed the beauty of nature, in particular the oak tree. Along with the pictures in the short film Oprah read a poem likely by the same person who might have written it. At one point the short talks about how light pours into us and says that the oak tree pours light into us. I took that to mean that nature pours light into us and then started to think about what pours light into me. This is what I believe:
God pours light into us. God is the entity you believe it to be. God may be empowerment or inner source for you. God is has different name and meaning for others. For some Buddha is their inner spiritual being. For me God is goddess, Buddha, Inner Source, Outer Source, angels, a holy spirit and Love. God lives everywhere in everything. God pours light into us. He or she pours wisdom and love into us at every moment every day.
Love pours light into us. When we treat others with love and we serve those who are in need light pours into us. Light is the feeling we get when we give without expectations. Without expecting to get it back. Love pours light into you and the best way to receive it is with open hands and an open heart. When we give love or when we get love we feel filled with the light of source. It pours into us.
Being around children laughing and playing pours light into some of us, certainly into me. When I see my five year old laughing and playing and running and jumping I feel like there is s light all around me. The light of joy. Children truly bring light into our life, our world and any room where we reside. If we observe children and become like a child in our inner spirit we pour light into ourselves as they pour life into us and demonstrate how love is a light in us. In the past when I wanted to feel some light I would go to the park with my children and watch them and other children laugh and play. This brought light into my life.
Music is for me a motivation and a joy based experience. I feel light when I listen to music and at times I am moved to tears. I listen to all kinds of music depending on my mood. I don't listen to rap that downgrades women or music that is profane in content but all the other music I love. I can listen to salsa dance music and dance alone. I listen to mediation music by Liquid Mind and I am moved to tears thinking about my sister who passed away at a very young age. I listen to Basia and I think about the happy times in my life. She makes me feel as though I am in a Carribean place. When we close our eyes and listen to music we travel to a place in our mind of light, love, joy and even sadness. In all cases we experience a form of light or enlightenment.
Being quiet and in reverence brings forth the light. Light pours on us when we sit and are quiet. Let go of everything outer and sit in silence, breathe deeply for a few breaths and let yourself relax in silence. You can even walk around your home looking at each room and not thinking of anything but what you experience in the moment. You will suddenly feel light filled. You will feel loved and you will feel appreciation for what you have in your life. Suddenly you will see your cat laying on the bed or your child sleeping and light and love will fill you up. It may swell in you and it may pour so quickly that it feels overwhelming. Just let the light pour in by being quiet and silencing everything.
Kindness and generosity pours light into me. I feel light filled and it pours into me like water when I am kind and behave lovingly towards everyone I experience, even strangers. In turn they pour light into me without even thinking about it. I know that when I am in my kind and generous spirit my light shines within me and light pours right in. Kindness just meant so be as beautiful as you can be with others, treating others with love and being generous with you time and your gifts.
Light pours into each of us, at times we are not aware as to why. It just does. Light pours into us naturally when we are living a natural life not thinking about it so much but simply flowing with life. Light pours into us when we are in love.
This afternoon Oprah shared a "short" that addressed the beauty of nature, in particular the oak tree. Along with the pictures in the short film Oprah read a poem likely by the same person who might have written it. At one point the short talks about how light pours into us and says that the oak tree pours light into us. I took that to mean that nature pours light into us and then started to think about what pours light into me. This is what I believe:
God pours light into us. God is the entity you believe it to be. God may be empowerment or inner source for you. God is has different name and meaning for others. For some Buddha is their inner spiritual being. For me God is goddess, Buddha, Inner Source, Outer Source, angels, a holy spirit and Love. God lives everywhere in everything. God pours light into us. He or she pours wisdom and love into us at every moment every day.
Love pours light into us. When we treat others with love and we serve those who are in need light pours into us. Light is the feeling we get when we give without expectations. Without expecting to get it back. Love pours light into you and the best way to receive it is with open hands and an open heart. When we give love or when we get love we feel filled with the light of source. It pours into us.
Being around children laughing and playing pours light into some of us, certainly into me. When I see my five year old laughing and playing and running and jumping I feel like there is s light all around me. The light of joy. Children truly bring light into our life, our world and any room where we reside. If we observe children and become like a child in our inner spirit we pour light into ourselves as they pour life into us and demonstrate how love is a light in us. In the past when I wanted to feel some light I would go to the park with my children and watch them and other children laugh and play. This brought light into my life.
Music is for me a motivation and a joy based experience. I feel light when I listen to music and at times I am moved to tears. I listen to all kinds of music depending on my mood. I don't listen to rap that downgrades women or music that is profane in content but all the other music I love. I can listen to salsa dance music and dance alone. I listen to mediation music by Liquid Mind and I am moved to tears thinking about my sister who passed away at a very young age. I listen to Basia and I think about the happy times in my life. She makes me feel as though I am in a Carribean place. When we close our eyes and listen to music we travel to a place in our mind of light, love, joy and even sadness. In all cases we experience a form of light or enlightenment.
Being quiet and in reverence brings forth the light. Light pours on us when we sit and are quiet. Let go of everything outer and sit in silence, breathe deeply for a few breaths and let yourself relax in silence. You can even walk around your home looking at each room and not thinking of anything but what you experience in the moment. You will suddenly feel light filled. You will feel loved and you will feel appreciation for what you have in your life. Suddenly you will see your cat laying on the bed or your child sleeping and light and love will fill you up. It may swell in you and it may pour so quickly that it feels overwhelming. Just let the light pour in by being quiet and silencing everything.
Kindness and generosity pours light into me. I feel light filled and it pours into me like water when I am kind and behave lovingly towards everyone I experience, even strangers. In turn they pour light into me without even thinking about it. I know that when I am in my kind and generous spirit my light shines within me and light pours right in. Kindness just meant so be as beautiful as you can be with others, treating others with love and being generous with you time and your gifts.
Light pours into each of us, at times we are not aware as to why. It just does. Light pours into us naturally when we are living a natural life not thinking about it so much but simply flowing with life. Light pours into us when we are in love.
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