Having No Source

I am not an atheist but I lived with one for over ten years without knowing it.  Mainly because he did not tell me he did not have a source: not God, not Buddha, not Goddess, not anything.  I dragged this person from one church to the next in my own spiritual search, believing inside that he was on a spiritual journey only to uncover that his entire family was atheist and he knew it but did not tell me until I asked about one of his siblings who I simply sensed was a non-believer.  Even then he lied and stated that he was not which aligned itself with the rest of the denial and omissions and basically many lies about every person in his family, yet all along he was finding out information about everyone in my family and making up stories about a father that I did not ever meet, criticizing him and laughing and making fun of him.  I think that thing that stands out for me is not that he was an atheist but that he hid it.  We don't hide things we are not ashamed of or that we believe another person may have an issue with.  Frankly had I known he was an atheist I would not have picked him as a partner.  Towards the end of the relationship I found out clearly just how much of an atheist he was by his actions and his complete lack of spirituality and compassion.  Lesson learned.  But this is not about him.  It is about my having my own source and about each of us having and needing a source of strength and wisdom.  I feel strongly that one has to have some source and that not having any will eventually result in a tough situation in the end.  In some cases the same people who do not believe in anything will cry out to source when they are in a life or death situation.

Whether you have a source or not is really no ones concern but your own.  As a father, grandfather and life coach I feel strongly about having a source.  I feel a very personal responsibility to ask people in situations of healing to ask about whether they have a belief in something, a source.  In the Buddhist culture source is inside of you and everyone can achieve what is said to be Buddha-hood.  In the Christian belief God is source and it is a compassionate or a punishing God or both.  There is of course every type of religion like Evangelists and Spiritualist.  Regardless of the source there seems to be a common reasoning which is to find strength and guidance when in need or on an ongoing basis.  Whatever the reason there are likely more people who believe in some source than ones that don't.  It seems like humans have a need for guidance from something they consider more powerful than they are whether it is God or Goddess or even Spirit.

I believe we need a source.  I think we look for a source because there is so much we cannot explain and so much we cannot solve on our own.  We seek a source for the wisdom to make the right decision and for the tenacity to get through a death of a family member.  It is amazing to me that there are so many people who believe and in my life more than not.  There seems to be a genuine belief that if one believes then one can get through anything life presents to them.  I understand that fully and I will share why.

My sister died to a self inflicted bullet to her head.  She did not want to live anymore and had been severely abused by her husband who would name call her and bully her almost daily.  My other sister had a terrible accident and her leg was operated several times.  The pain was excruciating and she suffered horribly.  Then she had a truly difficult divorce that hurt her to the core.  At the time I did not now what would happen to her and was afraid I might loose her as well.  Then I got cancer and my partner dropped me.  In the beginning he treated me OK and then indifferent and then meanly.  He name called me and said "fuck you" to me consistently.  After all of this I truly felt like there could not be a Spiritual source like God or anything else.  I was so hurt by all of the things that have happened and now cancer and being abandoned.  I truly thought my sister who was recently divorced would not make it but she found her source in meditation and not lonely survived she became an even stronger or more loving version of herself.  As for me: people prayed for me.  I prayed and meditated.  I then turned to chanting.  I kept looking until I found a source that helped me to get through it.  I found it and it does not matter who or what but only that I found a source of wisdom and strength.

Your source is your own.  Your source can be inner or outer.  Yet what I believe is that we all need a source and that this source will get us through the hard times.  It is up to us to seek our source and what is the meaning of our source.  What I wish for everyone is that you find your inner strength whether it lives inside of you or outside of you or both.  It may be OK to be an atheist and not believe in anything yet my sense is that there must be one entity you can turn to when you cannot do it on your own.  Lastly what I would like others to know is that source works through your friends, family and others.  I wish each of you love, light and joy.


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