Almost Forgot Oprah

Before Oprah decided she would retire from her talk show I thought her to be a person who did make a difference and that she was doing something good in our world.  After she announced she would be retiring I truly became concerned.  The question in my mind was: "What will we do without Oprah?" I could not imagine life without her influence and her brand of spiritual contributions in the form of televised shows.  Who would take her place and could there ever be anyone that could do what she did to change television and to change lives?  Who but her would be brave enough to say that we are spiritual and that that part of us is important?  That was the moment I became concerned and then began not just to appreciate what she had done but rather became upset that there would never be anything on television quite like the kind of subjects she dared talk about and get us to think about.  When she decided to return with new shows and new subjects like the "Life Class" I felt like a ton of weights had come off of me.  There was hope that Oprah would re-invent herself and continue to bring that unique brand of programming to all of us who were being helped by it.

My fear of losing Oprah accessed a whole new appreciation for her and that was when I became a bigger fan of hers and her television programs. I started to watch OWN more and got more gratitude around the messages being formed for the public and the leaning life lesson.  Inyanla's show "Fix My Life", Life Class, Super Soul Sunday became a must see for me.  Every time I watch OWN I learn something about my life and I feel more joy.  I also realize what needs to change in my world so that I can experience a more balanced experience.  The guests on her show who would share their lives like Jane Fonda and Maya inspired me because they like any other person struggle with the same things that I struggle with and that every day people address in life.  People like Susan Sorrandan would speak to me and help me to see my own issues and where I needed to do some work and deal with things in my own life.

Now OWN has a theme song sung by Jennifer Nettle and Jennifer Hudson that is inspiring and beautiful.  It has a tone of empowerment and of taking charge of your life in the lyrics and in the strong tone they sing it in.  When I hear it I feel empowered and as though I am being asked to stand up and take responsibility for my own actions and my lack of actions.  It is like a reminder to get excited about my life and about living.  For me there is no other theme ssong that feels that personal and that powerful.  Once again Oprah has collaborated with others to create a venue for all of us to feel good about ourselves if we chose to.  It is a chance given to us by a person who cares about the state of the world and it's people.  It is great that someone who could simply live the rest of her life relaxing is still involved in ensuring that we receive positive television and that we receive some loving and positive messages for life endeavors.  I truly salute Oprah Windfrey for not giving up and continuing to take on a job that serves others.   I for one am extremely grateful.

I almost forgot Oprah and now I am taking her back into my life and using the tools that she is sharing with me to make my life more optimal.  Not just mine but the life of many men, women and young adults.  Oprah is a great person who refuses to stop loving us all enough to stay active in the mission that creates compassion and great learning experiences for everyone.  I want to thank Oprah for not abandoning us an sticking with it.  I want to tell her how much I love her and the work she is doing.  I want to thank you Oprah for bringing your personal brand of learning and enthusiasm to a world that needs it and to a media that thrives on negativity and making people feel inadequate because they don't have white teeth or they are not good enough as they are.  That you for making every person, white, black, pink and orange feel like they are all worthy.  I for one know that one day you will need to retire but for now I am happy that you stayed with us.  That you for your beautiful energy, your joyful spirit and your teachings via many experts and people you bring to our life each day.  People who have something  valuable to say.  People who love people and love the earth.  People who have spirit and believe in something and have passion.  Thank you Oprah for helping people like me at a time when we least expect it and when we ourselves don't realize we needed it.


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