The 12 Facts of Life


7. Friendships usually last longer.  Many times our friends are there when even the person who claims to love us is not.  In fact many times friends are who we turn to when our relationships go sour.  When our lovers and spouses leave us behind for something "greener".  or younger.  In life our friends are often more loyal than our own spouses.  They unlike some spouses will tell us the truth and love us until we are able to love ourselves.

8. Racism and bigotry is effecting all of us.  Racism and the poor treatment of others who are not so called "white" or powerful is destroying our country.  Wars are still being justified in the name of saving a religion on race or putting them to a stop.  Racism hurts others and in turn they hurt forward.  When we dislike others due to their race we are going against the very fiber of what is love and spirituality.  Every time someone is treated poorly, made fun of or hurt due to race  we are deeper in our own darkness and further down the "rabbit hole" of life.

9. If you expect others to be kind then you must be.  If you expect others to be loving then you must be too.  Whatever you expect of others you must be and you must practice in life.  Do not expect of others what you are unwilling to do or be.

10. You can only change yourself and not any one else.  Stop the madness by not trying to change others or make them into the mold you want of them.  If a person is not warm hearted they will not be changed into a warm personality.  Be loving, kind and generous and others will follow.  Your will attract what you are and get what you are willing to give.

11. You get what you talk and think about most.  The more you discuss your misery the more misery will come to you.  The more you talk about joy the more joy will be at hand.  Things will seem to come to you when you talk about it and the more positive you talk the better.  Avoid topics that are angry or depressing and do all that you can to be in a loving space.  The more you do and think the more of that thought or deed you will get.

12. Stay in gratitude means to stay in a place of being grateful.  The more grateful you are the more wonders will come your way.  The less grateful the less good and abundance you will experience in life.  Life is to live and living it in gratitude is way more fun.  Not only is it fun but it is an abundant way of life.


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