Set Back or Come Back?
"We can turn every set back into a come back"
I am not sure who said this on an Oprah Super Soul Sunday show but it surely caught my attention. It was a reverend in fact who apparently preached to famous actors and singers. He happens to be Black and although I was doing some housework I caught some of the jest of his interview. It is a simple statement with a powerful meaning. We really can turn a set back into a come back and in fact I feel like I know this firsthand. I also believe that most of us have at one time or another, made a complete come back. In fact with intention I have and you can as well.
What does this statement mean? To me it means that I can take a situation and turn it around. I can make my experiences and our pain into a win because we learn from every single thing that happens to us. In fact my experience with cancer has been my most profound and important lesson on turning pain into love and turning an experience that was painful and sad to one of acceptance and even of joy. Even though I am not the same person I was before the operation and treatments I believe that I have evolved into a better person than before. I made a come back. I turned a set back into a come back. I found out that it's possible.
Ok, maybe we cannot turn every set back around, but we can most of them. With faith and a little tenacity we can do it. We can take a set back and come back winning. We can take a set back and return to a life that is as good if not better than the one before the incident. Many of us have done it. women who have been abused and raped. Men who have been beat down have been able to get up again. It is people like this who inspire us to see our own situation and know that we too can see the light and be in the light. We can believe there is a beautiful place for all of us.
I know woman who lives with a man who does not see her. In fact when he does he insults her. He does not see her beautiful soul like I do when she is around me. He can only look at her and see what he is not and it's too painful for him. He has been in a horrible place in life and he cannot let go of it. In fact he keeps reliving it and taking his pain out on her. For years she has digested the hate and the anger inside of him. This is a person who has been unable to turn his set backs around. Every day he lives them out and relives them again the next day. His set backs remain just that because he does not believe in himself.
There is a Joni Mitchell song that says: "I wanna move on, I wanna be strong, I wanna become a part of the living". I personally would like to see each of us become part of the living.
I am not sure who said this on an Oprah Super Soul Sunday show but it surely caught my attention. It was a reverend in fact who apparently preached to famous actors and singers. He happens to be Black and although I was doing some housework I caught some of the jest of his interview. It is a simple statement with a powerful meaning. We really can turn a set back into a come back and in fact I feel like I know this firsthand. I also believe that most of us have at one time or another, made a complete come back. In fact with intention I have and you can as well.
What does this statement mean? To me it means that I can take a situation and turn it around. I can make my experiences and our pain into a win because we learn from every single thing that happens to us. In fact my experience with cancer has been my most profound and important lesson on turning pain into love and turning an experience that was painful and sad to one of acceptance and even of joy. Even though I am not the same person I was before the operation and treatments I believe that I have evolved into a better person than before. I made a come back. I turned a set back into a come back. I found out that it's possible.
Ok, maybe we cannot turn every set back around, but we can most of them. With faith and a little tenacity we can do it. We can take a set back and come back winning. We can take a set back and return to a life that is as good if not better than the one before the incident. Many of us have done it. women who have been abused and raped. Men who have been beat down have been able to get up again. It is people like this who inspire us to see our own situation and know that we too can see the light and be in the light. We can believe there is a beautiful place for all of us.
I know woman who lives with a man who does not see her. In fact when he does he insults her. He does not see her beautiful soul like I do when she is around me. He can only look at her and see what he is not and it's too painful for him. He has been in a horrible place in life and he cannot let go of it. In fact he keeps reliving it and taking his pain out on her. For years she has digested the hate and the anger inside of him. This is a person who has been unable to turn his set backs around. Every day he lives them out and relives them again the next day. His set backs remain just that because he does not believe in himself.
There is a Joni Mitchell song that says: "I wanna move on, I wanna be strong, I wanna become a part of the living". I personally would like to see each of us become part of the living.
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