How to Become Whole and Happy

What makes me feel whole is helping someone resolve an issue or set and complete a goal.  I love helping people find their path to their personal joy.  I like to see people become successful at  whatever they would like to accomplish.  It makes me feel happy and whole when I am assisting others.  What makes you feel whole?  Here are some ideas:

Physical Health:
For many physical health makes them feel whole.  They work out often and they become physically stronger as they commit to exercising and eating well.  Physical health is likely one of the most important things in your life.  Being toned and physically fit makes us emotionally feel better, calmer.  Physical fitness is different for different people but what matters is that it be about caring for our "temple" and loving ourselves enough to do the work needed to feel better about ourselves.  Notice that I did not mention becoming more beautiful or having a beautiful body.  It is because that is not the real reason for exercising but rather to become more healthy and whole.

Spiritual Health:
Our spirit  is affected by the energy around us and at times the people around us.  Fight as we may to keep our world void of bad vibes the truth is that people do behave badly and the world has issues like war and murder.  Keeping our spiritual self in good health requires that we do things to lift our spiritual self like meditation, prayer or chanting.  Our spiritual self is an important part of feeling whole and when it is injured we feel lost.  Feeling whole requires that we feed our spirit and take time to do the loving things that lift our spirit and lift our deepest self, which is what I define as our spirit.  That deepest part of us is the part of us that is close to our heart, our spirit.  However we feed our spirit we must take time to silence the craziness in the world and maybe even the crazy, not so nice people in our life.

When we create we contribute to our wholeness.  When we create we do things that make us happy like sewing, taking photos, painting or designing a room.  I believe that everyone has a creative side that needs to be fed.  The way to feed it is different for each of us and the creative side of us expresses in many different ways.  When we say we are not creative we are saying we don't have anything we love to do or make.  For most of us that denial comes from a sense of failing.  We are afraid to create because we are fearful of failing.  When we stifle our creativity we get frustrated and at times even sad or depressed.  Our creative side is the child inside of us screaming to express.  Being that we are human we have a need to express and being that we have a need to express we need to be creating something that makes us happy and feeling whole.

Emotional Health:
By now you have likely figured out that feeling whole requires that you address every aspect of your life: Spiritual, Physical and Creative for three.  Here is the forth one, the emotional side of us.  We cannot feel complete without feeling emotionally balanced.  If our emotions are all over the map so is our life.  Addressing our emotional part of us will and does complete our life.  It gives us a sense of empowerment when we feel emotionally balanced and healthy inside our head.  Some people believe that being emotionally happy is about having lots of things and living in a big house.  Although I have nothing against any of this I do feel that emotional health is really more about self-loving and doing things that bring a balance to our life.  Emotional health is a daily job.  We have to do things every day that address our emotional self like writing in a journal or seeing a counselor.  For some it may even require that we take medications that we need and understand help us to balance the chemicals in our body.  Asking ourselves daily questions and checking in with our heart and our feelings.  Emotional health is the key to feeling whole when coupled with the other aspects of ourselves.

Our Finances:
I have not ever had serious financial issues however I know many people have.  I think that in part it is how we perceive money and I for one have changed my views many times about money.  The less I worry about it the more abundant I am financially.  None the less it is an important aspect of our life and many of us feel incomplete when we are having money problems, some caused by addictions and some for no fault of our own.  If there is something in you that is asking for monetary abundance then it is your right to do something about it.  If you feel a need to make more money then it is your choice to seek better employment and higher pay.  Yet above it all I would say that financial wealth comes from our feeling abundant and knowing we have exactly what we need and doing everything possible to do the most with what we have.  Worrying about money is not the answer but rather our perception of it.

What makes you feel whole?  Write about it.  Uncover it by not fearing it.  Face it head on and then do things that address your needs.  If you don't feel whole right now then there is work to be done.  And I say "Just Do It"


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