How to Be Happier

Happiness is for many an elusive feeling.  After all there are so many things that get in the way of our joy including mean people and our own poor self-esteem.  Happiness is what we are constantly in search of or at the very least what we want more of.  When we are not happy we immediately note it and we either sit down and mope or we do things to change our state of being.  Being in our sadness and acknowledging it is a good thing.  Allowing ourselves to cry and feel our feelings is not a bad thing.  Staying in that sadness, anger or hell should never be an option.

With all that out In the open here are some great ways to open up your happiness, all of which I am familiar with and all of which I have tested:

Appreciating what you have and be satisfied with your life as it is in the house you live in and the relationships you have with people.  Appreciate everything you have from the smallest detail like having food on your table or the wonderful kids that you have.  Being in gratitude truly ups our joy meter.  Constantly complaining about what you don't have is a sure way to creating your own form of misery.  What good does that do?  "How is that working for you?"  as Dr.Phil would say.  Appreciate every thing and person in your life.  From the good friend who you call for loving advice to the boss who treats you with respect.  Think gratitude.

Positive Thinking:
Thinking good thoughts and doing positive things to support those thoughts.  Instead of spending time worrying about this or that situation or what happened to you in your life that was dark, try thinking about the positive things you have experienced.  Think good thoughts and you will get more of what you focus your thoughts on.  The more you convince your mind that your life is great the more your subconscious mind will believe it and hence create situations that match your thoughts.  It sounds really easy and some may call it pretending but there is much to be said of the addage "fake it till you make it".

Scheduling Fun:
Taking the time in your day to have a little fun and cut loose will also increase your happiness.  Do a week of written activities that you are going to commit to for the duration of the week.  Make it at least one hour of fun.  What you consider fun is fun and nothing else.  Fun can require us to become like kids and do things that children do like coloring or swinging on a swing.  Although shopping can be fun I would encourage things that don't cost any money.  Take a run in the park or go by the beach, put a towel down, lay down and look up.  Lay there and just look at the clouds move.  Fly a kite or play frisbee with your dog or kids.  Have as much free fun as you can.  Challenge yourself to do as many different things as possible: sailing, bike riding, walking, dancing in your living room. coloring, playing with clay or just making yourself laugh.

Love the One Your With/Loving you:
Love the person you selected to be with and do things that are loving rather than expecting your spouse or partner to complete you.  Love yourself in the meantime and all the time if you are single.  Nothing will make you happier than loving others and yourself.  Say it out loud and show it by writing a poem or getting yourself some flowers.  Stop complaining about your partner and then staying with them.  Love him or her for who they are.  Love yourself for who you are.

De-Clutter Your Physical and Emotional Life:
Get rid of the things and people in your life that are sucking your energy and sucking your blood.  I call the people "depleting draculas".  Start with the crap you have in the basement or attic or both that has been there for years.  Be merciless.  Do it now and do it today.  Do one box at a time and see how wonderful it feels to be rid of things you don't use.  De-clutter yourself from the people who are taking and taking and not giving back.  It does not have to be mean or sudden but it does have to be honest.


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