Hell or Heaven? You Decide

Hell is one of the stages of life accordin to Buddhism and I would add makes common sense.  Those of us who have been in hell in our life know well that we create it most of the time.  This is not the hell that happens at the hands of anyone esle but the hell we create without cause.  We see things negatively day after day and at times for months if not years and create our own hell in our own life.  No one has to do that for us nor do we have to die to experience hell.  We can and do effectively create it all on our own.  We relive situations.  We hold grudges.  We say we hate this or that person.  We think negatively about people who have offended us or done something to us in the past.  The smallest of things bother us and we interpret it as horrible and hellish.  We live in hell when we think like we are in hell, whether we would like to admit that or not.

I know a woman who I care deeply about who has been divorced for many years.  In fact it is likely over twenty years since she got divorced.  To this day any conversation may elicit her beginning to rant about the man she was married to and how he'd wronged her.  She could elaborate and go on and on about this man she had married and had left her for another woman.  In fact he did leave her for another woman.  What I feel energetically is that she was an angry person prior to being married and then divorced from him.  Her anger was her reaction while many people who divorce do not have the same reaction, even those who have been abused or treated horribly.  Her hell was created and made bigger by her after she found what she thought was a good reason to relive her hell and live in it for so many years. The sad part about her life is that she is in hell while her former husband is likeely jumping for joy and happily married to someone esle, unfeddered by the divorce.  It is an example of what we do to create their own hell, extreme suffering.

God has a way of giving people their way.  He or she does not think for us and hence we can create the life we want.  On the other side of hell is heaven.  This of course is the other stage of life in the Buddhist culture believes.  It too makes sense.  The refer to it as Rapture: Heaven and this state is the opposite of Hell.  We can and do live in this state if that is the decision we make.

On dancing with the stars there was a man competing who had lost an arm and a leg above the knee.  Losing the leg above the knee made it impossible to bend it like most dancers would be able to do and this man did not have that ability.  Still to watch him dance with a smile on his face was evidence that a man who could live in hell because of his situation he was just the contrary.  He danced with a smile on his face and although he experienced some frustration he was beautifully fit and he did his best without a protetic hand and arm.  In fact when they tried it he and his partner decided it was not going to work for him.  He was not accustomed to doing anything with a fake arm and hand.  It simply was unnatural for him.  There were moments when the judges gave them a score and they had tears in their eyes.  They made many comments about his courage and how he worked with what he had and the way he danced.  All of them  were positive and in fact he and his professional dancer partner were given a lot of votes by the TV audience who could also vote.  Although he was in third place that in itself was testament to his courage and tenacity.  It showed me that my life with cancer was really not that bad and that my own attitude could be more heavenly and positive.

We decide every day whether we will live in hell or in heaven.  At times for a lot of us it is a struggle we experience day to day because we are being tested by an illness or a disability.  Still whether we are sick or not it is our intention to be happy or not that matters.  We must decide to be in heaven in our life.  We must let go of our hell.  This is the only way we can truly live a full life.  No matter what life hands us and no matter who wishes us ill will nothing can change our faith and decision to be happy.


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