My Buddha Story

I have been dabbling in Buddhism for a few months now.  I started chanting because I felt like when I attended the first  meeting there was a lot of great spiritual energy and it was very positive.  At first it was a question of how did that fit in with my belief in God.  I soon was able to combine the two with ease and grace.  I still believe in God and I also think that there are pratices that are soothing and peaceful for us.  For me this has been Buddhism.  I have found peace in chanting alone and with others.  I have also made some great friends that actually seem committed to helping me rise up.  Each person has been more than loving and kind.  One made me some soup of cabbage, sasusage and kale.  It was delicious and I could feel she shared it with a lot of love.  It was delicious although a comination did not sound great, it was incredibly tasty.  Some have asked me to share my feelings at a meeting.  I have found God's selection for me and I want and will understand this to be divine intervention.

I was always taught that other religions were either a cult or not the path to God.  Not like the Catholic church where I learned some prayer that sounded like it was saying that Catholic was the only path to God.  Thankfully I did not believe it and today I have come to my own conclusion that God loves Buhhdhist and everyone that the Catholics seeemed not to.  Now I say a prayer just as I had before and I also chant in the morning and at night.  I love that I feel comfortatble and straight about what I am doing and why.  Not that I have all the answers.  What I feel is that each of us should do as we deem the most beneficial to us.

Whatever your path make it one that you carve yourself and what will be best for you.  There is a path and a source for everyone.

elliott maximo collazo


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