When Mothers Abuse their Power they...
When mothers abuse their power they raise men who are insecure and manipulative, men who are in denial and who won't get help for their issues. When mothers control rather than support their sons they raise boys who become men that are controlling and abusive. When mothers raise boys to be ashamed of their sexuality or being gay they raise men who are self-hating and homophobic, critical of themselves and other gay people. They raise men who try so hard to be masculine and macho they shame men who are feminine and point their fingers. When mothers raise men in an unkept environment they raise men who don't help in the home and who live an unkept and unclean life in their home. When mothers abuse their power by putting their nose into their relationships as men they disrespect their sons and their partners and are destructive forces. When mothers behave in ways that are incest of the mind they have a complex they pass on to their sons that manifest in sexual issues. The Goddess of love is saddened by mothers who abuse their power as are the many women and men who get involved in their son's life or have relationships with them. Men who are abusive, controlling, self-righteous, unkind, egotistic and lack compassion.
We as parents, moms and dads have a lot of power over our children. We must understand that we do not own our children. They are their own entity and a separate human being entitled to make their own decisions and not be manipulated by their parents to be a certain way. Parents should be very careful what they say to their children, especially their sons. There are too many parents, especially mothers who make their male children delusional. They make them believe they must control rather than love their partners. Some mothers are women who are self-hating like Judgemental Judy (not the TV personality) who commented on the movie "Two Weeks with Marilyn" as follows: "I did not know Marilyn Monroe was such a slut". I could only think of all the other criticism she had of women and how mean spirited she was in general. I finally could not stand back and responded with: "I think the sluts were the Kennedy brothers who abused their status and used a woman during a time when women had so little rights. Self hating women like her raise boys who think themselves better than women and her three boys are arrogant, ignorant and self-hating people who are bullies and racist to top it off. Mothers must understand their power and simply not abuse it as they have so much influence over how their boys shape their opinions of women.
Fathers have an equal influence over their daughters and how they shape their view of men and people, although this blog is not about dads I understand that dads can abuse their power as well. Mothers birth children and since they come from their body men feel a sense of connection to the mother goddess. Due to this loyalty men tend to raise their mothers up even when they are doing things to sabotage their relationships or their life. They view the mother as a holy like person who can do no wrong. Those whose mothers did everything for them expect it of women they marry and are supported by the mothers ideas and the fact that they did it all them.
Mothers need to put their power in check and be cautious about how they use their power. Mothers need to look at their own pain and heal it so that their sons don't carry their pain and react to women negatively or abuse women. Controlling moms need to be honest about their negative effect on their sons when they are self-hating and have not addressed that self hate. Let's raise our boys to respect women and to participate in the tending of a home. To treat others equally rather than to believe they are better than others. If any of this resonates for you it's not too late to remedy the damage by being honest with your sons and not always taking their side, asking them to reflect on their behaviors and to get the help they need to heal. I surely hope "Judgemental Judy" reads this blog and mother like her who start with their own self-hate and their jealousy of other women. Hail to the Goddess.
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