Eight Party Tips (continued: # 7 & 8)

Here are the last two of my eight party tips.  It seems that I get carried away and my blogging site only takes so many words at one time, hence the continuation of my 8 party tips:

The Food:
Decide what you are serving and keep it within a theme or type of food if you want to keep it simple. It let's say you select Italian you might serve two different pastas and three sauces with french bread.  You might do the bread with garlic which is very simple and is done with a little butter and garlic powder or real minced garlic.  This would be likely a good buffet set up where you might even offer tow kinds of bread, three sauces, sausage to add on and two types of pasta like linguini and spaghetti.  Don't be shy to use the internet or a recipe book for some great recipes.  I like the ones that have pictures of the final product because I want food that looks beautiful and tastes great.

If you are doing a sit down dinner it is usually easier to have one choice for everyone.  Again recipe books are useful as is the internet.  Keep it simple because simple is what people love.  Don't forget your Caprese salad or your arugula with cheese and pine nuts.

Last but not least there is dessert for those who love it.  I usually to to a nice bakery or bakery section in at a grocer and buy some pretty cookies or a cheesecake.  I add fruit to a cake on top and maybe offer it up with whip cream or ice cream along with some coffee.  You don't have to tell people you did not make it if they don't ask.

Remember some really simple things like: The food should look good and taste good.  If food looks ugly it almost automatically tastes bad or people are turned off by it.  And the second is "Keep it simple".  I love a steak with some Basmati rice and asparagus and it makes a great statement.  Simple is good.

I love love love love Pandora.  It is free music and you can hook up a wireless speaker to your iPad or  iPhone where you download it free of charge.  You will get an occasional commercial but you will also get great music.  My iPad is wirelessly connect to by surround sound speakers and has been connected professionally.  At the push of a button I connect my iPad to five speakers.  I have Basia who does great dinner music with artists like her and her.  I love Calm Meditation when things are slowing down and it's close to the time for the party to end.  I also love Gran Combo and Buddha Bar because I love salsa and I love European influenced listening and dance music.  Pandora is the way to go but if you don't do that you could have a playlist of what you will play and when: dinner music, chat music, dance music and winding down music.  Be ready as it is best not to be messing around with the stereo at the last moment in the middle of your party.  Picking the music is imperative and it should be done days before your party.


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