Life Is About...

" Life is about scaling one mountain, then facing the next one, followed by the one after that.  Those who persevere and finally succeed in conquering the highest mountain are victors in life.  On the other hand, those who avoid such challenges and take the easy route, descending into the valleys, will end in defeat ".
From the book: Buddhism Day by Day, Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda

Reading this quote of the day or inspirational paragraph got me to think that my life is really not so unusual.  It's not any harder or easier than any one else's life.  I will be challenged more and more in life, maybe more than ever.  I will experience failure and disppointments and if I run from them and take the easy way out I will come right back to the same place until I am willing to do the  hard work it takes to get through it and not around it.

I personally have known defeat and recently the mountain I have climbed or am still climbing (more accurate) is the one that is teaching me to have courage and to live in love and not in fear anymore.  This time around I am not going to be defeated but rather enlightened from all that comes to me either light or dark.  That is how we need to look at things in life.  This is a challenge and this is life.  Life will be up and down and we must be willing to climb up and save ourselves from our own plight and our own diminishing of our souls.  We must be willing to put the effort into it because it ia about our survival and our joyful self, our happy life.

Like scaling the mountain versus sailing down the hill we are committed to a struggle and committed to overcoming what comes our way.  Being in faith, thinking courageous thoughts and not shaming ourselves because we don't have everything perfecty aligned in this moment.  We have to be willing to keep climbing and keep doing the stuff that needs doing in order to rise above it.  Rising above all those things that seem impossible to resolve by hanging on and knowing that even time and quietness will heal it.  Being in a place of knowing.  Standing up for what you believe is yours: joy, prosperity or relationship.

Life is about making it over the mountain over and over again and still being willing to do it once again, as long as it takes to get there.  Life is about accepting the consequences of our behavior and accepting the dark with the light understanding that a candle can light a huge dark cave.  Knowing that a small amount of light and love applied to any issue can make it better, heal it instantly.  Knowing that life is about the effort we place into it.  The light we bring to it.  Loving the life we are in and embracing the life we are experiencing right now and in the present moment.

So I ask you all.  What is life about?  You know what the answer is for you.


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