Mourn Mankind

I peraonally mourn mankind.  I feel like we have died and lost our compassion.  I am still seeing news stories about police officers beating up a young girl likely 16.  Parents don't know what their kids are doing anymore.  Teachers are completely fed up of being treated like second class citizens while doctors are worshiped.  When did we all die?  It took years actually.  It has been sneaking up on us because the racist have been in the closet and they have been hating us for a long time now.  Suddenly we are seeing more and more arrests of men of color.  We are hearing more about an innocent man of color in jail that finally gets freed after finding out without any doubt that he was not the murderer he was accused of being.  Of course some people would us to believe that we are singing in a circle and that we are a "melting pot".  Bullshit!  That is simply a lie made up by the same people who are the culprits and really want us to just shut up.  Lots of Latino children don't speak Spanish even though both their parents speak it.  Is this shame?  Are we ashamed of ourselves?  I think we are and self hate is one of the things we must heal from.  Unity is another factor.  It is back to getting united with all people of color and all that believe that we are being abused in one way or another.  We are the ones who can resolve this problem.

I am mourning the death of mankind because we are ignoring that there are kids in America who do not have food to eat on their table.  That there are women being raped daily and that people of color are being followed around in order to build a case or see them do something wrong, then however small put them not in the jail but under it.  Kids who are being arrested without a probable cause and then commiting suicide like one did because he could not live with this allegation that he did something he did not do.  There are likely hundreds if not thousands of people of color in jails suffering that are innocent.  The smallest thing could end them inside a cell and get them angry enough to kill themselves.  We have too many men and women in our midst that are doing everything possible to bring us down.  Yet what we must know is that no one can stop us from the inevitable and we are graced with the gift of a Guide.  We who are spiritually alert and who pray each day know that nothing that others do can bring us completely down.

Look at your own thoughts about how you feel about others and yourself.  Be loving and kind and do your part.  Respect those who are not like you for in the end we are all  beautiful.


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