Healing Yourself Heals Others By You

The purpose of healing yourself of your own pain and the things you have been carrying around will not only be of service to you but also to others.  I stopped counting how many people I have met who are unhealed and who have not just projected their pain onto me they literally were difficult and at times even mean spirited towards me.  Admittedly I likely did the same when I was in my thirties but thanks to spirit source I have been working on healing myself for many years now.  Healing from the pain of being left by my father when I was about six years old, healing from the verbal and physical abuse of a mom who was in terrible pain and agony over her husband leaving her.  Healing from the pain of racist people who were ignorant and displaced their hate of people of color onto me.  Healing from the jobs where people spent a lot of time trying back stabbbing each other for a position or money or both.  Healing from the pain of homophobia and the self-hate that I felt around being gay.  Healing from the pain of losing a little sister to suicide at 22 years of age.  Healing from many forms of pain around cancer and the difficult treatments.  Each time I was and still am grateful for the mentoring and the counseling I was given and that I reached out for.

The trouble with most is that they don't heal from the pain because they don't want to do the work involved in healing and transcending the hurt.  For most the pain is something they don't want to look at and they'd rather ignore.  For many the pain is familiar and the cure does not seem realistic or possible.  Many feel like they are so deep in their pain tht they don't have an outlet.  We are embarrassed to see someone like a therapist to resolve our pain and face our demons, the ones holding us back and the ones making us act out our anger, many times against others.  We don't realize that if we don't heal our pain we project it on to others.

Healing ourselves is most important because when we do we heal others around us almost automatically.  At the very least we are not dumping our feelings and insecurities on others.  When we do the work and get the help we need to heal we are honoring every person around us that we love.  It is not easy to do our work as is it not easy to face our need to heal from mental and physical issues, but when we do we honor ourselves first and then our children, our siblings and our partner.  Healing is the key to living a beautiful life.  If we love others we will take the time to face the things that make us sad, angry, depressed or imbalanced.  We truly are giving others the gift of love when we address our own situation.

How do we do our healing work?  What are the things we can do to heal our own life?  Here are some ways to heal your own life:
1. Get mentoring in the form of counseling or life coaching.
2. Get into a habit of prayer, meditation or chanting, some form of consistent loving rituals.
3. Read positive text and get involved in self-loving and self-help activities or seminars.
4. Surround yourself with loving, positive like minded people who think good thoughts.
5. Set goals around growth and transformation.

Healing yourself is your responsibility, not anyone else's.  Whatever way you chose to heal it must feel natural to you.  For some counseling is not for them and they may turn to a life coach while for others prayer is not their thing and meditation is.  Healing is a journey and our journey is a life long one.  We don't heal overnight and we must be patient with our inner child.  Remember that healing yourself will be the catalyst to healing others you love.  Everyone around you will be happy to be around you if you are happy with yourself.  Begin with finding a mentor who will collaborate in your process and begin your journey to healing today.


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