Eight Party Tips

Sometimes I wish I knew then what I know now, about throwing a party or having a dinner for eight. Mingling with guests and having a good time all at once is a trick that took me years to learn.  It's called hiring a host or two.  With that one tip spilled here is are the top five tips whether you are having a dinner party or a party for 30.

Hire a host:
If you want to enjoy your own party hire a host or two.  I can tell you that it is worth every penny.  Ask your friends or call a local college or agency that can help you to find some hosts for you.  Make sure to write up a list of duties including how they must dress.  It is especially important that they not mingle with your guests.  Hosts who know the do's and don't's will likely do a great job.

Set up the night before:
Set the table or buffet the night before.  The utensils are easy and go in this order from left to right: salad fork, dinner fork to the left of the plate and spoon, table knife to the right of it.  You can google the rest as to where to put the water glass, wine glass or champagne glass.  The thing that is important to do this the night before, putting out the serving spoons, serving bowls and the like for a buffet style or setting the table with the dinner plate, salad plate and bowl (depending on what you are serving).  Setting up the day before truly takes some of the pressure off.

Use tea lights, lots of them:
I love candles but I don't like the mess they sometimes make so my suggestion is tear lights inside containers large and small, glass and metal, there are many kinds.  There is nothing wrong with putting a tea light inside a relatively large hurricane.  There are dripless candles but unfortunately you will be taking a risk and wood does not love candle wax.  I found some truly dripless ones and a discount store and they literally worked but the trick is to make sure they are sitting straight up.  Candles are for me a neeccesity, even for a buffet setting.

Set up a proper table or buffet:
Setting up a table is easy and I would say just google it to figure out where eveything goes.  Decide if you want to use dinner mats to protect your table but make them contemporary and simple.  I use mesh chocolate ones because my table is dark wood.  They blend right in.  Select the bowls and serving spoons you need for the food on the buffet when it is buffet style eating, using Pretty large glasses to put the utensils in and stacking white buffet plates.  I tie a ribbon around the glass with the forks and spoons and knives.  Don't forget the white cloth napkins.  You can tie those with a ribbon as well.  Use a color of ribbon that is neutral or goes with the colorations in our home.  If in doubt use black ribbon or off white.  Make it so the bowls match.  In my book plastic is not appropriate unless it is more summer like and festive looking.  There is some beautiful plastic plates and bowls these days.  Many times ethnic and make a great casual statement.

Clean the day before:
Or have someone come and clean your home the day before.  Two days before it Ok but the closer to the event the better.  Set this up aheaad of time with your partner, kids or housekeeper.  Your home should be spotless.  Don't try to clean or have it cleaned the same day of the event, every.

Flowers two days ahead:
Buy your flowers at least a couple of days before.  It they are roses (I love white ones) this will give them a chance to open up.  Make sure to prune them of excess leaves (don't strip them) and cut the bottom of each one in an angle.  Arrange them to your liking in a fish bowl vase or any other vase you like.  I love crystal vase because they shimmer in the light and in candlelight.  Costco sells two dozen roses for about 17.00 which is a bargain and they are usually really great.  They look twice as nice open.  Let the color represent one that matches your colors of the rooms or are neutral.

A detailed invitation:
Send a detailed invitation to your guests either by mail or email.  These days email invitations are more common.
To Be continued ...

The food:

Select the music:


  1. Thanks for sharing these party tips and hope they will help me in arranging a dinner party with my friends. Booked an exemplary LA venue and looking for decoration ideas. Hope to decorate venue in a grand fashion and wish to have good time.


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