A Good Day is When....

A good day is when your grandkids come over with their mom and aunty and a funny friend  of theirs.  I went to the train station to pick them up and from there we came and had leftovers for lunch.  My youngest daughter took some leftover chicken and beef stew, added veggies and spinach, heated some tacos and wow what a luncheon we had.  A feast for kings and queens.  THe beef was my sister's own fabulous recipe where the meat does not need to be cut as it's so tender to perfection.  Family is all there is for me, especially now.

My friend spent the night before with me and  Before she left she offered to shovel the snow for me!  What a wonderful gift.  It totally reinforces the face that I have so much love in my life and so many people who love me in my life.  It lifts my spirit and the topper is that my grandchildren are here with me watching TV, coloring.  I take the opportunity to teach some Spanish to the my little Isabella.

A good day is when life deals us an experience that is joyful like the one I am having today.  It makes everything that is happening to me less painful and everything that effects me seem less powerful.  I love that I have this life with these children and this time in my life.  I love that I am filled inside with love right now no matter what happens tomorrow or even an hour from now.  I see this moment as a gift, watching my little ones watch TV under their snuggly aqua colored throws.

I am so grateful for this day and I wanted to share it with all of you.  As my daughters and their friend venture off to resale shop I get to share my home with the people I love and see them enjoy the house that I turned into a home with lots of love inside of it, even more because they are in it.

A good day is when...


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