Feeling Alone?

I got up this morning like every morning with a feeling of something being missing.  I have come to the conclusion that what my mind believes is missing is a person to love me yet my spirit always takes me back to the truth which is that I am never alone and that I am loved beautifully and sufficiently by people who honor me and think me important, including God.

I get my bed made and call a friend who left a message, another sign of love, someone thinking of me.  Then right after that I get a text from my youngest daughter who is a work taking the time to say hello and ask me how I am doing today.  Then I look at another text from a friend who is offering to accompany me to the next PET scan at the hospirtal by her condo.  Yet another loving person in my life who cares for me and who is offering to take her time to be with me and hold my hand.  Another truth in my life that I am cared for and loved, that I don't need a person in my home that is not present spiritually or emotionally.

As the day wears on I keep getting signals of how lucky I am to be in the here and now.  Inside a beautiful home with heat.  Watching a sixty inch flat screen TV, drinking some great Columbian coffee and sitting on an oversized slip covered sofa with a big ottoman for my feet.  Certainly there is nothing missing physically around me that I may need to be comfortable.  The longer I am awake and looking around me the more I am in gratitude about and suddenly my attitude shifts.  I feel fuller and more loved just knowing how lucky I am in genteral in every area of my life.

Now it is time for me to relax and feel the energy around me.  To simply enjoy this moment and not think about one hour from now or a day from now.  It is time to feel my heart and to allow myself to enjoy this moment.  Now is the time to admit that that other type of thinking comes from lack and that I am prosperous in spirit and in love.

If you are feeling unloved make a list of the reasons that negate this false thought.  List the people who you know love you.  Make a call to someone you love and know loves you.  Cast your net out there and talk to a person you encounter by accident.  Be spontaneous and look around you at the blessings in your life.  Sit and become silent and allow spirit to come inside.  There is nothing missing in your life just because you are alone.  Find your mojo by finding things to do that make you happy like a nice dinner or a movie on Netflix.  List some fun things you will do today like going to the gym or taking a ride in your car through the country side roads.  See your life as fuller and more spontaneous because you don't have someone in your life to take care of except yourself.  And then start loving yourself now.


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