Shedding The Shell

We are born in a shell, our body, that keeps changing and evolving, hopefully.  We outgrow our shell very quickly at first turning from a baby who depends on others for everything to a toddler running about and eating on our own.  Our shell becomes so small for us as we eperience life as well.  That shell that served us at one time no longer serves us today and now.  Good thing because if we did not break out of our shell it would be a tight existance.  We'd feel cramped inside a shell that was too smal for us and too limiting for us.  The way that I see our shell is more emotional than physical.  The way that I see each shell breaking is through our expiences.

Like Mark Nepo I have the shell of this health opportunity and I see myself some time soon breaking out of it and into my healthy shell, the one that I will thrive in for many years to come and the one that will accomplish some goals that I have not yet come into to or grown my shell for.  Today I am in this shell that feels just a little cramped and feels like it does not fit me quite right.  Some of you are inside a shell that does not suit you or that you have a need for or it is time to break out of.  It is possible to break out of that shell that you are in.  It is possible to roll from side to side and crack the shell you are in in order to grow a new one or find one that fits you better.

I was talking to one of my butterflies (daughters) yesterday and she was sharing that she is reading a book with exercises in it.  She has expressed a need to break out of the shell she is inside of to a new one that feels more like her.  I was of course as her dad delighted to hear her say it not just because she is my kid but because she has been a loyal friend to me as well.  I would like to see her shed her shell and become more of the woman that she is inside that shell developing a new and more befitting one.  Her goal is to do some things that she dares to do and to become more evolved and joyful and that is nothing new to any of us.  What I know is that the only thing I can do is be of support and to applaud any and all things that are meaningful to her.  She like many of us has become uncomfortable in the shell she is in at this time or maybe just outgrown it.  I cannot speak for her because there are so many reasons why people, women like her decide to that there is a need for change and transformation.  We don't need to always know the why of it but rather just to go with what our spirit is asking of us.  Making that change is varied for each of us and the reasons as well.

I think that shedding our shell requires some support or a support system.  That may look like therapy for some where as for others it may look like a collaborative plan with spirit.  In any case there needs to be a plan and although that plan may not be clear at first one has to take that first step.  That step could be exercising three days a week or eating healthier foods or shedding some  pounds.  Each plan has action steps and those steps include shedding and shedding and doing some more shedding.  It is about leaving the old shell behind us and adopting a new one, getting fitted for a new shell.  As we do our actions we can imagine ourselves stepping out of the shell and stepping into a new one, perhaps one that is more colorful or more vibrant.  Maybe a shell that is lined with velvet and softer than the one before, meaning we will go easier on ourselve and be gentle with our bodies.

Whatever the shell you are in today does not really matter because you will be in a new shell as time passes whether you like it or not.  You may even be forced like me to find your new shell and to get in it and make it fit for a time.  You will need a new shell as you grow spiritually or emotionally or physically.  The less obvious ones are the spiritual shells and the emotional ones.  Those we grow into out of joy and also out of pain.  When Mark Nepo had cancer he developed a paticularly painful shell that he referred to as dark in a way that he did not know darkness.  I have been inside that shell and have decided like Mark not to live in that shell any longer.  It does not suit me and it does not serve me.  And so my new shell is the healthy and well being shell.  It is colorful, it is beautiful, it is roomy, it fits me much better.  As usual I want to encourage my readers to look at their own shell they are in.  Does it suit you?  Are you ready for a new one?  Have you outgrown it?  What are the things you must do to develope and grow into your new shell beloveds?  It is time to start those action steps and collaborate with spirit to grow into the new you inside the new shell.

And so I want congratulate all of you out there who are willing to crack open your shell and be confident and fearless about the fact that you will develope a new one that serves you best.  I wish you the very best and encourage you to pray around your newness and transforming body.  Allow spirit to guide you to a place where you are comfortable in that new place and time.  Follow your heart but most of all follow your spirit.


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